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Recruitment mod


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Hey do you remember that Jedi lady that dies on the Endar Spire? Is there a mod out there that makes you able to save her instead? If not could someone do it? She could replace Juhani (Because I REALLY don't like Juhani)

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when i was working on this a Few Months Ago, I Found that if you recruit her then, When Trask goes off to Fight Bandon she or Trask is warped to the First room on the Endar Spire and the door is now locked and they cannot go through. And you cannot Advance to the next Region.


I Found away around this by Making her say "Il meet you later" Then Making the Droid you can Re-Programm, her then make her Join and then in the next room or two you, her and Carth go to Taris and it should then work from there.


Ofcourse you will have to remove the Recruit Script from which ever Party Member you dont want as you will get the Jedi first then when you meet them they will Overrite Her.


But i Never Finished

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but that's the thing. I have no idea how the modding system for KotOR works. I don't know how to put in a code for who she replaces....but where is the mod I couldn't find it when I searched arround.

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Just curious, but do you dislike juhani b/c of her appearance or b/c she's a bit of a whiny, baggage ridden companion? If it's merely what she looks like, you can alter that w/KSE and then avoid talking to her for most of the game. If it's the personality too.... there are a few mods that replace her as well. One allows you to recruit Yuthura (if you save her on Korriban) and I think inyri's Recruitable Kay mod may replace juhani (but don't hold me to it b/c I haven't used it in a long while).

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Well I REALLY want to recruit that jedi because I think it would be cool and I might start a dialogue mod with some voice actors to make her interact with Revan and such...maybe a romance option too but hey. I really got the idea from a story someone wrote on star wars kotor. I don't like Juhani because she seems to be the slightly more emo type. She just sends out a bad vibe because she is always complaining about her terrible past. Although I lovve her voice.

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Russians are sexy.


I did something similar to this a couple of years ago. I added some custom dialog, (no voice), and a basic recruiting script to make her replace T3. That created problems with the game and I scrapped the project. Still it can be done, it's just finding someone who has the time, interest and skill to do it.


Best of luck,


Dr. Hal

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Russians are hot. I couldn't help but laugh when as soon as Juhani spoke (with the improvement mod) he kept saying "Ah that voice just makes me want to pull her out of the screen and bang her", yes he isn't the most clean minded person but he's family.


As for finding someone with time...well not many people seem to help with KotOR mods anymore. at least none that I can find and I'm too busy with modding Republic Commando to really try and find out how to mod KotOR

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I've done this before... but I never wrote dialogue for her, cuz I couldn't think of anything. :/ Buuuuut. I can re-attempt it... though there will be no voice-overs. (though I normally switched her with the Dark Jedi so that he would survive (and changed him to the Dark Jedi Male appearance that way I could make him look like whatever I wanted him to look like ;) ) But anyway... I'll attempt it (again) as I said. Though I'll need you to test it for me... I lost my play disc for Kotor. -.-

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