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Forum Mods, please read

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Is there anyway we can make these forums a little more ... atmospheric for star wars? =P I dunno, but this brown background makes me think im being smothered by Obi-Wans cloak or something. Probably a nice space background or a Naboo setting. Whatcha think?


PS. Any luck on my name change to Lord Tirion yet? =P

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

We need to talk to Chris bout this one. :D

Well actually I don't think Chris does the design...doesn't Jackal do it? Or ZeroXscape?

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Guest ChrisC3po

Aristotle is actually behind the current design of the forums. Jackal and I did the original look. If you guys want to try your hands at a new design feel free. If we see something impressive we just might go with it.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I'd like to see a nice Imperial Blue background.

Like I said first ;) an Imperial Blue would look nice as a background

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Well I'm lost...

I design my website but that is it...

What you just said...I understood about 2/3 of it...

Could you please explain this little tidbit for people with a little less experiance than you???:D


When you look at the banner on TheForce.Net you'll notice that no matter how wide your screen is ... the banner will not start all over again. How did they do this ...


They made a repeatable banner first, one that can be repeated as long as you like and it still looks like a seamless picture. This banner is the background.


Over that background comes a transparant gif with the logo and some aditional pictures, this banner does not repeat.


When the logo banner stops, the background banner goes on in infinity.


Is this english for you?

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What are you talking about??


The page doesn't have a background image!?


check the coding, it's simply a large image set at width of 778 within a table


in the background of the table that the logo is in, is another picture, which was originally part of the logo which has been cut in 2 pieces,


The picture in the background is also 778 wide so it's only needed a high resolutions when the screen is wider that 778 you see the other picture which joins on perfectly! BUT if the screen resolution were to be an unlikely 1600 wide or so then you would be able to see the table background image of the table would repeat itself, as it is doing already at the current resolution!


There isn't any transparent gifs anywhere to be seen.

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