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JA & Windows 7 Pro x64


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Hi everyone

I have installed JA on my win7 pro x64 system but i have troubles getting it started... initially nothingh worked, now (i don0t know why) the multuplayer works...:confused:

but the single player still doesn't work, i mean, it starts, gives no error, changes screen resolution, locks the mouse pointer but i do not see the game, only my desktop like if the game runs in background....

Anyone can help me!?

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ahah well, that's my luck! if i say in public i cant do something imediately i realize i can't do something stupid and everyone on the internet can see it! ahahah


by the way only today ja run on my pc, before today it was impossible to me but i played a little on compatibility settings on windows and it worked!! (i've done exactly the same things i did before but with computers that's how it works, the 1000th time u try it works!!!)

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