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Clone Wars?

Leif Ericson

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  • 2 months later...

Some people just don't like screwing with the original formula. It's a show definitely geared towards children as well. I like it and I'm 20, but I'll never be an avid fan of it just for the fact that it's not directed towards me and doesn't really add too much to the series as a whole.


Just enjoy what you want to enjoy!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i am 25, and i love it, kinda sucks because in Canada, we don't get most of the stuff like this as soon as the US does, like Futurama, the new season doesn't get here until after it is finished in the States. That is basically my only gripe with it.


Plus Ventress is NOT a Night Sister of Dathomir. She is a peasant turned WarLord from Rattatak. Little stuff like that gets me too.

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yeah, the season 3 so far has been a let down, i don't care about the politics of it, everyone is curupt, everyone knows that. Get to the meat and potatoes of the war itself. Tell me about the clones, not the senate.


And about Ventress, LucasArts is trying to make everything come together, but when they created Ventress, she was a warlord from Rattatak when Darth Tyranus found her. I guess i don't know for sure, because the episodes where Tyranus replaces Ventress with Savage Opress haven't aired yet., but as far as the trailers go, after Ventress is betrayed, she ends up on Dathomir, and one of the Night Sisters calls her "sister".

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