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A pretty simple Question

Fallen Guardian

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Oh I love this type of question.


Open up Kotor Tool and go into Rims -- Modules -- tat_m17ad_s.rim

(That is the Hunting Lodge)


Then go into the Scripts, Compiled section and find

k_ptat17ad_enter.ncs (The first one)


Extract it but put "old_" (minus the quotes) on the front.


Then you need to use a spawn script such as


void main()

// ST: Check if it's the player entering the trigger, and that it hasn't already fired 
if (!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40) && (GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC())) { 

// ST: Make sure the trigger only fires once. 
SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 40, TRUE); 

object oPerson1 = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "[i]your npc tag here[/i]", Location(Vector(-21.76,-16.87,0.00), 0.0));  // << Location from wereami in the brackets after Vector.   The  0.0  is the orientation.  Unless you are spawning something like a plasteel cylinder you will have to try different things.

    ExecuteScript("old_k_ptat17ad_enter", OBJECT_SELF); 	



Then compile the new script and name it the same as the original file



It will create



Put that in the overide along with the npc file and anything else.



Now when you enter the hunting lodge this script will run and spawn a new NPC.


Unless I only want an NPC there after a conversation I always use this way for spawning. Its so much more effective and looks a lot more professianal.


Hope this helped.

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I think i showed you condititional scripts befpre. Just use something like i showed u past time. Same as last time. Do something like if a global variable is true then spawn an npc. The on enter scriptg works just like the onDie event in an NPC file only it runs when the PC enters the module


Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling i posted this from my phone.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question.


Then compile the new script and name it the same as the original file



If I name it the same name as the original file, won't it overwrite anyone else's script that's named the same thing, like yours or Fallen Guardians?

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Yes but thats something we have to put up with for now. We could combine scripts providing taht everything else is compatible. But to make it compatible with every mod would take forever.


If a program was created that combined certain parts of script sources and compiled them then that would be awesome. I don't know if TSL Patcher does it or not.


Luckily at the minute not a lot of people use Scripts so for now its pretty safe. Its the same with .mod files though.

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