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Decipher That Buzzword!


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Dear Everyone,


I humbly confess that I have NO idea what the following political buzzwords and catchphrases mean. If anyone would enlighten me, I would be grateful!


"Knowledge economy"


"Value-add/value-added [anything]"


"Compassionate conservatism"


"Neo-conservatism" (how does this differ from the traditional kind?)


"True patient-centered, free market reform" (Sarah Palin)


"Race to the Top"


"Competitiveness in the 21st-century global economy"


If any of you think of any more fuzzy buzzwords, post them here and let us post our theories on what they might mean! (No, I don't trust Wikipedia).

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"Knowledge economy"

Political answer: Using America's Vast knowledge resources to compete in the global market

Real answer: Blowing smoke up the posterior of the listener.


"Value-add/value-added [anything]"

Marketing term: A way to increase sales by providing additional features/items to make the customer happy.

Real answer: Throwing in stuff that should have been free to make the customer THINK it's a good deal


"Compassionate conservatism"

Political answer: Conservatives reaching out to Liberals

Real answer: Blowing smoke up the posterior of the listener.


"Neo-conservatism" (how does this differ from the traditional kind?)

This one is a bit trickier. It's people who share SOME values with traditional republicans, but have added things like being pro-war(traditionally conservatives have been more for non-involvement)


"True patient-centered, free market reform" (Sarah Palin)

Political answer: Guiding people in insurance companies to focus on providing better care.

True answer: We don't know what to do but we know something needs to be done.


"Race to the Top"

Political answer: Become a leader in the global economy

Real answer: try to take BACK the lead in things we were the leader in.


"Competitiveness in the 21st-century global economy"

Political answer: Increase American worth in the markets of Information and leading the world in technological evolution.

Real answer: Spend more money on education so they can teach things like political correctness and <random> studies to kids even though they aren't spending more on the actual kids while giving middle management more money.

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