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Unfortunately I do not have access to a compiler right now, and I'm not sure yet how arrays work with java as I have not had the time to research it and we have not covered java arrays yet.


I'm trying to come up with a way that will allow multiple objects to be created via a loop with user input. Would something like this work, or will arrays not work with objects like this? I know the code is inefficient, but we're being asked to specifically do it this way.





import javax.swing.JOptionPane;



public class Employee_Tester



//Main Statement

public static void main(String[] args)



objArray = new int[11];

int x = 1;



//Creating Obj1 (no parameters)

Employee obj[x] = new Employee();

obj[x].setName("Susan Meyers");


obj[x].setPosition("Vice President");




//Creating Obj2 (with paramaters)

Employee obj[x] = new Employee("Mark Jones", "IT", "Programmer",39119);



//Creating obj3 (by use of copy contructor)

Employee obj[x] = new Employee(new Employee("Joy Rogers", "Manufacturing", "Engineer",81774));



//Windows output window

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations. You are successful to use object!");

char exit;



//Creating object for upcoming user input

Employee obj[x] = new Employee();


obj[x].setName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter name."));

obj[x].setDepartment(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the department."));

obj[x].setPosition(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the position."));

String idNumStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the id number.");


int idNumResult = Integer.parseInt(idNumStr);




String _exit = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to exit? Y/N");


exit = _exit.charAt(0);



while(!(exit == 'Y' || exit == 'y'));







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You'll want to start x at 0, since that is where Java arrays start. If you did the do while loop properly you shouldn't need the System.exit(0) line, it should just end on its own.


Edit: You'll also want the array to be an array of Employees, not an array of integers. I'm a bit rusty with Java, but it should look something like:

Employee objArray = new Employee[11];


That would also mean that you don't have to declare the elements of objArray, you just have to assign them. I.E.

Employee obj[x] = new Employee();

would become:

objArray[x] = new Employee();


And lastly, you need to change all instances of obj[x] to objArray[x], otherwise you're referencing an array that doesn't exist.


I made all those changes, and the only error that is coming up is that I don't have an Employee class.

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You'll want to start x at 0, since that is where Java arrays start. If you did the do while loop properly you shouldn't need the System.exit(0) line, it should just end on its own.


Edit: You'll also want the array to be an array of Employees, not an array of integers. I'm a bit rusty with Java, but it should look something like:

Employee objArray = new Employee[11];


That would also mean that you don't have to declare the elements of objArray, you just have to assign them. I.E.

Employee obj[x] = new Employee();

would become:

objArray[x] = new Employee();


And lastly, you need to change all instances of obj[x] to objArray[x], otherwise you're referencing an array that doesn't exist.


I made all those changes, and the only error that is coming up is that I don't have an Employee class.

I agree but the instructor wants us to start with obj1. As for system exit we were instructed that when using the pane a system exit is mandatory. Odd.


Anyway I received thus response from someone.




You can declare an array of objects using:

Employee[] obj = new Employee[10];

substituting 10 for however many Employee objects you want to create


After declaring the array, you can assign each one a value by using

obj[x] = new Employee();


You can't have a variable in the variable name at declaration. obj[x] doesn't turn into obj1 where you say "creating obj1," unfortunately.


That objArray needs an int[] in front of it too.

int[] objArray = new int[11];


Other than that it seems fine.

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You'll want to start x at 0, since that is where Java arrays start. If you did the do while loop properly you shouldn't need the System.exit(0) line, it should just end on its own.


Edit: You'll also want the array to be an array of Employees, not an array of integers. I'm a bit rusty with Java, but it should look something like:

Employee objArray = new Employee[11];


That would also mean that you don't have to declare the elements of objArray, you just have to assign them. I.E.

Employee obj[x] = new Employee();

would become:

objArray[x] = new Employee();


And lastly, you need to change all instances of obj[x] to objArray[x], otherwise you're referencing an array that doesn't exist.


I made all those changes, and the only error that is coming up is that I don't have an Employee class.


Just saw your edit :)


So how's this:



Here's the Employee Class

//Class Header
public class Employee 
		//data members
		private String name, department, position;
		private int idNumber;

		//default constructor
		public Employee()
			name = "";
			department = "";
			position = "";
			idNumber = 0;

		//parameter constructor
		public Employee(String _name, String _department, String _position, int _idNumber)
			name = _name;
			department = _department;
			position = _position;
			idNumber = _idNumber;

		//copy constructor
		public Employee(Employee constructor)
			name = constructor.name;
			department = constructor.department;
			position = constructor.position;
			idNumber = constructor.idNumber;


		//Mutator Methods
		public void setName(String _name)
			name = _name;

		public void setDepartment(String _department)
			department = _department;

		public void setPosition(String _position)
			position = _position;

		public void setIdNumber(int _idNumber)
			idNumber = _idNumber;

		//Accessor methods
		public String getName()
			return name;

		public String getDepartment()
			return department;

		public String getPosition()
			return position;

		public int getIdNumber()
			return idNumber;

		public String toString()
			String str = "Name: " + name + "\nDepartment: " + department +
						"\nPosition: " + position + "\nidNumber: " + idNumber;
			return str;


Actual Program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Employee_Tester 

//Main Statement
public static void main(String[] args) 

	int x = 1;

	Employee[] obj = new Employee[11];

	obj[x] = new Employee();
	obj[x].setName("Susan Meyers");
	obj[x].setPosition("Vice President");

	//Creating Obj2 (with paramaters)
	obj[x] = new Employee("Mark Jones", "IT", "Programmer",39119);

	//Creating obj3 (by use of copy contructor)
	obj[x] = new Employee(new Employee("Joy Rogers", "Manufacturing", "Engineer",81774));

	//Windows output window
	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations. You are successful to use object!");
	char exit;

	//Creating object for upcoming user input
	obj[x] = new Employee();

	obj[x].setName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter name."));
	obj[x].setDepartment(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the department."));
	obj[x].setPosition(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the position."));
	String idNumStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the id number.");

	int idNumResult = Integer.parseInt(idNumStr);

	String _exit = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to exit? Y/N");

	exit = _exit.charAt(0);

	while(!(exit == 'Y' || exit == 'y'));



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I decided to try an input tester. The program seems to run fine and as intended, but for some reason I get an error that says "exception in thread main". I don't see any issues, though. The program runs as intended, there's no compiler errors. Everything seems normal. Any ideas?




import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Employee_Tester 

//Main Statement
public static void main(String[] args) 

	int x = 1;

	Employee[] obj = new Employee[11];

	obj[x] = new Employee();
	obj[x].setName("Susan Meyers");
	obj[x].setPosition("Vice President");

	//Creating Obj2 (with paramaters)
	obj[x] = new Employee("Mark Jones", "IT", "Programmer",39119);

	//Creating obj3 (by use of copy contructor)
	obj[x] = new Employee(new Employee("Joy Rogers", "Manufacturing", "Engineer",81774));

	//Windows output window
	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations. You are successful to use object!");
	char exit;

	//Creating object for upcoming user input
	obj[x] = new Employee();

	obj[x].setName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter name."));
	obj[x].setDepartment(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the department."));
	obj[x].setPosition(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the position."));
	String idNumStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the id number.");

	//Convert input String to Int
	int idNumResult = Integer.parseInt(idNumStr);

	//Option to continue the loop or exit
	String _exit = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
	exit = _exit.charAt(0);

	while(exit == 'Y' || exit == 'y');

	//Testing input
	for(int counter = 1; counter <= x; counter++)

		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, obj[counter].toString());



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