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Poll: My Muse needs some SERIOUS help!


I can't decide what to write. Help me!  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. I can't decide what to write. Help me!

    • "Life, Death, Singularity"
    • Untitled King Arthur work
    • Continue Zero-Sum Game
    • Badfic

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Sometimes I just can't think up great ideas, or else I can't decide which ones to pursue and which ones just are just plain stupid (and I don't know it yet)!


Please help me! Which story idea do you think is the coolest?


"Life, Death, Singularity"--At an extremely exclusive academy for "exceptional youth," the winnowing process goes from ten students to five--then three--and then one. The sole student selected gets the privilege of undergoing the "Singularity", a cybernetic process in which man and machine become one. However, when two of the students fall in love, will the Singularity come between them? What purpose does the school have in mind for the winner, let alone the losers who don't come out ahead and remain "unaugmented"?


"Untitled"--I've always been a big King Arthur fan/geek, and thus I've always wondered: What if Lancelot and Queen Guenevere had a child, and Guenevere tried to pass that child off as Arthur's? How would King Arthur handle his gnawing suspicion that the baby wasn't his, as he continues to banish the knights who say that his wife and best friend have betrayed him?


Continuing Zero-Sum Game


Writing a badfic (although that won't satisfy for too long--ha!)

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Tsy, as a fellow writer, I am probably going to give you some of the cliched advice ever but I find that it works especially if you are dealing with writer's block. Here it is: Put down the pen and back away, or in more techno terms, step away from the keyboard and turn off the computer.


I'm serious about the backing away. There come times when a writer is stuck like you and the best advice is to just walk away for awhile. When you try to force yourself to think about ideas or storylines to pursue, they often end up being bantha poodoo. By stepping away and pursuing something like a hobby like arts and crafts or something outside of writing, it allows your mind to clear.


Try a meditative state that will allow you to clear your mind and be in the now as Ekhart Tolle would say. This method usually works for me, heck I'm in the planning stages of a new set of stories that I think are insane but would probably produce a few laughs and developing characters is difficult so I take steps back and do something else and let the ideas hit me. Believe it or not I've had good ideas as a product of dreams. I suggest you try it.


If you want my honest opinion, I would write something that is out of your favorite genre. For me it is supernatural/fantasy ala vampires and magick, etc. Work with your favorite and if an idea hits for a different genre, grab a pencil and write it down.


PS The Lancelot story might be a good one. I love King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.

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