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Multiple Party Members Kotor 1

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I had the same problem with the recruitment mod I've created. Stoffe gave me the solution to that problem:



If I remember correctly there is an event script (k_pebn_pophawk) in the Ebon Hawk area that runs whenever the area is loaded (loading savegames counts as this too). This script will first delete all party members from the area and then spawn them at waypoints at the locations of the ship where they should be waiting around.


The problem is most likely caused by how this script works. It will delete party member NPCs based on their tag, while it will spawn them based on their party table slot. So if you've added a new NPC to the party table with a tag other than one of the standard party members the removal part will fail (since the script doesn't know about the tag of your new NPC), but the spawn part will succeed. This would result in both the original NPC being there, and a new copy being spawned in.


Hope it applies to you as well...



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