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Scripting Installer [Nsis] [Noob Friendly]


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Before We Get Started id like to say Hi, :thmbup1:


I know i have hardly any posts at the time of making this but trust me when i say i got plenty of experience in modding have done a little of everything but

Skinning is my primary Forte. I Will go through Step by Step very Detailed and without a giant wall of text!! i know its un-heard of in a scripting tutorial

this will Work for Everything, i will explain sending different Files to different locations in Segment 3


Want to see an Example of what im talking about First..

Check out my mod that i learned this for Nvenoms Custom Interface


Okay on with the Goods,



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We Will be Scripting our Installer using something im sure all true modders will Love, i learned this because i was working on a mod, finished and releasing at the time of this post called Nvenoms Custom Interface it contained a little over 4000 Files But when installing you needed a little more than 200, why you ask...because it had !!!!!MULTIPLE CHOICE'S!!!!!!!


I Searched for eons for a proper installer that had this, i could not find any so here we go super simple (for everyone i hope)


Just need 3 things

NSIShttp://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download our main Program

Notepad++http://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloadThis will help you keep up with Your Scripting and help you Conquer that wall of text i said i wasint going to create....:dev9:

Last but not least a little tiny voice in Your head that says you can do this...


Now Dont go opening up Nsis just yet, First we are Going to make our Script.


Start up Notepad++ and begin a new File, Our Readme/License


Type what ever you want in it dosent have to be special can be something as simple as Hello World


Once You are done Save it on your DESKTOP as ReadLNew.nsi/// .NSI Make sure you save it as that



Now We Start our Scripting Open up another new txt in Notepad++ by using File> New in the top left ( Shouldint have to say this)


Start With

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;This is What your Mods Name is

Name "Your Mods Name"


;This is what the EXE that they will use to install it will be called

OutFile "Your Mods Name.exe"


;This is Were those Files will be dumped that you put in the installer

InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override


;License Text is just a base name for it;License Data is the File it will read

LicenseText "Readme/License"

LicenseData "ReadLNew.nsi"


;This Will make it ask for Administrative Rights to overwrite any Files

RequestExecutionLevel admin


;this is the end of are first Segment Always end it with a block like this




Second Segment

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; Pages are the Second Segment Fairly short and simple for a Selection installer. Pages execute Forms (just Giberish) in order so you want to keep them just like mine. they do nifty stuff like forcing people to agree to your terms :thmbup1: if they want Your mod


;This is the Page that executes that Readme/License That you made, And it does it first so they cant go any further without reading it

Page License


;This Opens a page you cant see, what it does is tells the program its going to be reading some Section Variables (More Giberish)

Page Components


;This Tells the installer that it will be giving options instead of Forcing choice's they cant see

Page Directory


;This Takes are application to its Final Page Unloading are files to Said Destination and even giving an option if there override folder is somewere else

Page instfiles


;And we end the second Segment with our Block



Third Segment

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;The Third Segment Consists of the Files that will be unloaded into the override folder, Im guessing you already have your files in order


;The Section is what your option will be called so lets say ur doing a choice of 5 weapon packs they can install

Section "Name your choice (e.g weapon pack 1)


;This Is the directory confirmation if you change it, it will put the file somewere else, ill give you a example


SetOutPath $INSTDIR ;Sends the files to that locations you set in segment 1


;InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override


;Change it to this however it will will drop the file in your modules folder

SetOutPath $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules


;Now we are onto were you List the files that will be compiled and eventually used, Goes just like this you must enter each file individualy in long lists depending on what folder they are going into ill give example at the end of this but for now ill just give a short one and i even have a handy trick to getting tons of file names instantly into one little text file *Yes cj is my name, and if ur wondering im 16.. i know not a big suprise*


File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\1024x768comp0.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\1024x768comp1.tga


;And now im gunna add some random file to my modules by just including another SetOutPath, i can do that because the programing run in the order that you type it

SetOutPath $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules


File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_cg_abilbk.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_cg_circ1.tga


;And just like that we are finished, to add more choices simply add a new Section and dont forget to always end with SectionEnd it closes it off so the compiler knows its ither finished or ready to move onto the next Section, dont have to end Sections with Blocks but you can if you want, if you look into Segment 4 You will see what we have done now and i will move onto compiling it with 2 easy clicks (maybe more i never actually counted):¬:



Segment Four

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;Here is what we Have so far


Name "Nvenoms Tutorial"



OutFile "Nve's Tutorial.exe"



InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override


LicenseText "Readme/License"

LicenseData "ReadLNew.nsi"


RequestExecutionLevel admin




; Pages


Page License

Page components

Page directory

Page instfiles






Section "Random Files 1"




File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\1024x768comp0.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\1024x768comp1.tga


SetOutPath $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules


File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_cg_abilbk .tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_cg_circ1. tga






Section "Random Files 2"




File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_abilities.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_autopause.tga


SetOutPath $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules


File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_optback.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black\lbl_optingame.tga




;Once you have yours with as many Sections as you would like save it to DESKTOP as



Open up Nsis and click Compile Nsi Script



Moving on to Segment 5 just to make things a little less Crowded


Segment Five

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1. Recompile: it reloads your .nsi files if you have made any changes to it

2.Test Installer: Click this once your recompile has gone through, if it fails it wont allow you to click it (we will talk about errors in Tips Segment

3.Open:This is what your going to click to Open your modname.nsiFile

4.Script:> Set compressor is in there if you set it to LMZA it will squish your file down to the smalist size possible usually cutting it in half or more, will take longer depending on how good your computer is

So to Recap What your going to do to compile your mod is first use 3# and open your modname.nsiFile than you are going to let it run till the blue button #1 Goes Full Blue (allows you to click it) than once it is done you will ither get Success


or some Form of This Script has Failed if it failed Go to Tip's Segment if it succeded you will be able to click #2 Test program button and try out your application looking like this


If all went well a .EXE will be on your desktop that you can distribute to the modding community


Tips/Tricks Segment

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I Know, it just keeps going on and on lol, anyways here is my tricks i used to make it through the rough times.


First of all If ur getting an error about it Not finding Files Try putting your files in a folder with no spaces


e.g c:\programfiles\my Mods\ blah blah blah = Wrong


right c:\programfiles\mym\ blah blah blah = yay.. the crowd goes Wild

Getting the Names of every Item in a folder placed on a .txt file


1. Open the Windows Explorer (Windows key + E)


2. Browse to your folder with all the files, e.g. C:\Users\[yourusername]\Pictures


3. Click on the address bar, select it and copy the entire address via CTRL + C (hold both)


4. Open up a command prompt (click on the link if you don’t know how)

Once Open right Click on the bar at the top and click Properties, Check the box that says quick edit


5. Now Type cd and than right Click to insert the address that we copied into our clipboard in step 3.


[e.g] cd C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\MainColors\Black


6. Hit enter


7. Enter DIR /B /O:N > filenames.txt (filenames.txt is the name of the txt file)


8. Now open the folder where your files are stored and open the text file filenames.txt


9. Congratz, you have just copied all file names from a folder and stored them into a text file.



Should you want to copy files names not only from a folder, but from sub-folders as well, you simply add a /S for subdirectories to the command: DIR /B /O:N /S > filename.txt


You will still have to put File infront of every item you copy from that text file to your script, it olmost killed me doing it 4000 times XD




If you experienced an error while compiling it should say something at the bottom like


Error in script "C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\Nvenoms Tutorial.nsi" on line 37 -- aborting creation process


Just Link the Error in Script that it is giving you in the Thread and Your Script and ill help ya out


For Modders Wanting to Edit other Parts of Files!! As Qui-Gon Glenn informed me My Installer lacks a sense of editing .2da files and of other sorts that only TSL patcher can do.. Here is a workaround. Time for another Segment for you .2da editors *May seem pointless to some*

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;Okay so you have your Script all typed up and its looks awsomly formal and contains all of your files, But for some reason you need to change a file that only TSL patcher has the capability to do But you want to keep your Options. Here is what we are going to add to the very end or Sections and it does all the Work XD


;Im Using Fraps as an example.

Section "Fraps"

File "C:\Fraps\fraps.exe"

ExecWait '"Fraps" /i "$INSTDIR /passive'



;So how does this Help, well it can actually package a TSLpatcher you have created to edit just that .2da file into your installer and When your installer is done with unloading all of your files into Override it will open up that TSLinstaller and install your .2da data


;Now Say you want to make it so they have no choice but to install that part of your mod, we are gunna add just one string of text to it


Section "Fraps"

SectionIn RO

File "C:\Fraps\fraps.exe"

ExecWait '"Fraps" /i "$INSTDIR /passive'



;SectionIn RO set the Section in a Required Option Motion Causing it to lock the box, Very simple Sturdy tool to make sure they get what they need



;Here is My New TSL enhance map Script with M4-78's Map Files Packed in and when its done installing both those it will launch my TSLInstaller


Name "Nvenoms TSL Map Enhancment"



OutFile "Nve's T.M.E.exe"



InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override


LicenseText "TSL Enhanced Map"

LicenseData "420.nsi"


RequestExecutionLevel admin




; Pages


Page License

Page components

Page directory

Page instfiles





Section "Enhanced Maps"


SectionIn RO




File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map001EBO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map002EBO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map003EBO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map101per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map102per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map103per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map104per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map105per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map106per.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\EnMaps\lbl_map151har.tga




Section "M4-78 Enhanced Maps"




File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map801DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map802DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map803DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map804DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map805DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map806DRO.tga

File C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\m478maps\lbl_map807DRO.tga




Section "TslExample"


File "C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\TslExample.exe"

ExecWait '"TslExample" /i "$INSTDIR /passive'




;And that is my Workaround. Post in the thread if you need any Help.

*Works With Any .exe not just installers, However if you put a program in it to run, it wont work unless u also inclue all the files that program needs to run*


Section "TslExample"


File "C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\TslExample.exe"

File blahasdjhawdkajsdh

File asjhasdjhasdjhas

file ajsdjakhwjdhasd

ExecWait '"TslExample" /i "$INSTDIR /passive'





;Like So>> And i know, why go through all this if you can just use tsl patcher in the first place, Mostly Because TSL patcher dosent let us give people a choice of what they want to install, Instead it just asks them were it wants to dump tons of files they know nothing about at


In Final I Want to Say thanks for Reading and i really hope you got it, Without this my modding would have been pointless and far to complicated for anyone to want too bother with. *side note* One of the easiest Scripting languages i have ever try to learn XD

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This is an interesting post.


My question is this: Is this necessary or helpful at this point?


For a massive mod that is not concerned at all with compatibility with other people's mods, then perhaps this makes sense. 'Twas the case with TSLRP and finally TSLRCM, but those mods are massive... and I am not even sure in the case of TSLRCM, as it seems to behave well with other mods for the most part...


My reason for asking is this, Nvenom... are you aware that the TSLPatcher does all of this for us while ensuring updating/patching the vanilla game files that are "patchable"?


I ask this because it does not appear in any of your hidden segments, what would occur in the case where a file from your installer is named the same as a file that already exists? The .2da files we edit and include in our mods are changed by almost everyone, thus they must be patched and not over-written, as it seems your little proggy would do.


The other mildly disturbing thing is the trojan-horse icon used by your installer. I personally would not use any installer that had that little horsey on it, and I am savvy enough to know that not all .exe's wearing that emblem are trojans. Nevertheless, it is a negative connotation.


All that said, it is a nice idea, and thank you for your post.

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This is an interesting post.


My question is this: Is this necessary or helpful at this point?


For a massive mod that is not concerned at all with compatibility with other people's mods, then perhaps this makes sense. 'Twas the case with TSLRP and finally TSLRCM, but those mods are massive... and I am not even sure in the case of TSLRCM, as it seems to behave well with other mods for the most part...


My reason for asking is this, Nvenom... are you aware that the TSLPatcher does all of this for us while ensuring updating/patching the vanilla game files that are "patchable"?


I ask this because it does not appear in any of your hidden segments, what would occur in the case where a file from your installer is named the same as a file that already exists? The .2da files we edit and include in our mods are changed by almost everyone, thus they must be patched and not over-written, as it seems your little proggy would do.


The other mildly disturbing thing is the trojan-horse icon used by your installer. I personally would not use any installer that had that little horsey on it, and I am savvy enough to know that not all .exe's wearing that emblem are trojans. Nevertheless, it is a negative connotation.


All that said, it is a nice idea, and thank you for your post.


Thx for the response i guess...:raise: as to my Post i stated why i did it in the first Bit, I could not find a single Installer that gave options, were i to release my mod it would have consisted of 12 tslpatcher .exe's and been around 200 mb's... not to mention that i also tried to focus on how this is mostly for skinners not people going all out with full blown models that consist of editing Files rather than just replacing them


As to the Trojan horse thing, not much i can say really because i dont think its a horse on there icon, more of a dog. Anywho, Segment for .2da editing added at the end.

For those of you who dont trust an icon with a dog on it... Change it...


Here is the Code

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Name "Nvenoms TSL Map Enhancment"



OutFile "Nve's T.M.E.exe"



InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override


;This is your icons Location it must end in .ico

Icon C:\Users\CJ\Desktop\Icon.ico


LicenseText "TSL Enhanced Map"

LicenseData "420.nsi"


RequestExecutionLevel admin

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Ok. I think I understand better, after re-reading your initial post and this latest one. This is so the End-User can make choices as to which skins they want to install and which ones not. Now that I have re-read, I think what you are offering is quite cool! Not something I would use personally, as I am more of a story/script modder, but many in the community may find this useful!


Thanks again, sorry for the criticism, glad to hear your response!

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Ok. I think I understand better, after re-reading your initial post and this latest one. This is so the End-User can make choices as to which skins they want to install and which ones not. Now that I have re-read, I think what you are offering is quite cool! Not something I would use personally, as I am more of a story/script modder, but many in the community may find this useful!


Thanks again, sorry for the criticism, glad to hear your response!


If you cant take critisism you Shouldint be posting your mods to a community of people or atleast thats the way i feel, Really glad you commented it gave me a chance to re-inforce my post and even made me look back through it and find some errors, :duel:

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I could not find a single Installer that gave options, were i to release my mod it would have consisted of 12 tslpatcher .exe's and been around 200 mb's...


You can use a namespaces.ini file (the configuration utility can create one, it's in one of the menus) with TSLPatcher to provide a screen allowing the user to select one of several installation options. It's a bit primitive since it can only allow the user one of several options, not a checklist of options like most installation utilities do, but it does allow using a single exe and file base to provide several installation options.


(IIRC it essentially just allows you to provide several changes.ini and readme texts and swaps which ones are used depending on what the user picks.)


* * *


On topic: Not everyone installs their games in the default location. You should read the install path from the Registry and use that instead of hardcoding in your installer scripts where the files should go.

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