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Does galaxies get fun after a while?


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i actually got galaxies a few months ago for the first time but since it was a gift it DISSAPEARED from my steam games library. i thought it was fun at first but got boring. i might play it again once i re-buy it.


once i tried finding Obi-Wans hut but it took me forever and the "Co-ordinates" were wrong :p

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I enjoyed playing through Legacy when I had the game. The expansion packs were pretty fun too, but I feel that the game is more enjoyable if you play with friends.


I don't know what the community is like now, I haven't played in about 2 years, but I would highly recommend convincing a few of your friends to pick it up too.

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Come join me on Shadowfire. I have a thriving city and guild. The guild, Sons of Liberty, was formed by my main, Rafon Sunwaver, back in August of 2004. We have over 150 members of which over half play regularly and the city has over 60 citizens. We have every profession represented in our guild officers who are always willing to help new players. We also have a website, http://www.sonsofliberty.republichost.com. Come check us out. We would love to have you join us.

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