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Young David for Supreme Chanselor

Young David

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Well ... not maybe Supreme Chanselor. But I think that I wouldn't be a bad senator.


A little info. Young David is not a kid named David. He is very much an adult and his first name isn't David (not even his 2nd 3rd and 4th).


Young David is I on the internet. I've long enough in the internet to know it's communication. And I know pretty much of Ethics to judge cases (wich is quitte important as an editor). Justice is something important and something I will hold on.


I'm also a longtime AoK player. I played AoE, RoR, AoK and TC when they came out. I know enough about the game's workings. I know some much used tactics and stratagies for the game and I will quickly adapt to SWGB.


Third and not unimportant, I'm a Star Wars fan. I actually just came back from a Star Wars Convention here in the Netherlands. I read SW books, listen SW music, play SW Games ... I have a good knowledge about the topic.


I couldn't find good reasons why not to pick me ... so ...


Vote for me, vote YD!


YD ... for those maturing kids and kiddy adults ... I'm something in between.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Calvin and Hobbes all the way! Lol no Umm yah I think you would make an awsome senator YD. Oh do you have a site? Im trying to add to the database at battlegroundsuk.com

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:D Lol


seriously though, it's a pity that this forum doesn't support skins :( because I like your one a lot better .


Originally posted by Young David



Oh ... and I have my own forum ;) [/b]

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hum PM chris about skins. Maybe, just maybe, he could get something going. I think it would be cool to have skins available. But oh well that takes alot of work....:(

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