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A nice update from Gamespot


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Well if you're like me, you're hopping on every bit of news you can get on TOR. Well actually if you're like me you already saw this bit, but for those not quite as nutty as me, here's the gamespot interview which gives a bit more information.


Things I found interesting is that the dialog choices themselves are not what makes you light or dark, but your actions... So you can SAY you want to boil puppies and eat them, but you only get dark side points if you actually boil them and eat them. I'm kinda glad about that... I don't know how many times I would gain some dark side points because I would say what I would normally say, but I was just being a smart-a...


You can apparently have a group of people who are not there for the dialog choices, and they can jump in.


They are still saying 2011 release... PC... No word on that Linux client though lol <- ever notice how that looks like a drowning man?


Sigh... when it comes out I'll have to reload Winduhs....

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Things I found interesting is that the dialog choices themselves are not what makes you light or dark, but your actions... So you can SAY you want to boil puppies and eat them, but you only get dark side points if you actually boil them and eat them. I'm kinda glad about that... I don't know how many times I would gain some dark side points because I would say what I would normally say, but I was just being a smart-a...


Great leap forward - decisions should be left independent, and reliant on player actions, instead of simple dialog choices. This is something FPS-RPGs have usually had an edge over, with games like Bloodlines, Deus Ex or even Bethesda's games.

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