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A Quick Mod Idea

Christos K

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This is relatively small and more of an idea than a request as it is beyond my modding abilities and its not something that I HAVE to have when playing.


I am sure all of us have played KotOR I and know that in game, in the Sith Academy one Sith Student is torturing Republic soldiers while you are given the option to duel them. Now what I am suggesting is that once you finished reaching the Star Map and have returned to the Academy (Probably light side) that you kill all the Sith and then go to the torture room and free the republic soldiers. You can either kill them, ask them to aid you in killing the rest of the sith in the academy, or simply tell them to escape and get to safety. Now I am pretty sure you wouldn't have to worry about dialog as there are things like "Thank you Master Jedi.", "Die!" and "For the Republic!" that can be used for the soldiers.

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This would actually be pretty good. Small modifications of this sort diversify the main storyline of the game. I wanted to request a detention facility on Korriban where the Republic captives are kept; you free them, and they engage an equally sizable Sith force in battle, which you can join. But new areas seem like a lot of work, and I didn't think anybody would respond. :p


This is a good idea, either way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That sounds pretty good. You could add scripts to the already existing command on the computer, something about opening the cages and freeing them, and make it so it will accept the spikes instead of rejecting them as it is originally intended to.very good idea.

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It'll be pretty nice to do this... But there's a catch: As far as I know there is some hardcoded stuff to do if you want to see the ending and to 'disable' the credits and the 'end of the game'. Just simply to make the character move and be able to visit other planets would take a really looooong time I guess... If someone was interested in doing these things I'd be glad to help though...



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