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So, in Kotor 2 the sitting animation was an animation you could assign to NPC's via script. However, in K1 that was not possible. But, I'm certain all of you remember numerous amounts of people sitting in the Cantinas and such. I looked at what they do while they sit and saw that the animation was completely identical to the one in Kotor 2. So, is there a way to make the sitting animation in K1 assignable through scripts, or am I stuck with using placeables?

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I think those NPC's models are actually made that way(as in the sitting position). in case you dont remember, you could never actually select nor talk to a sitting NPC, so that makes me think the NPC is either a placeable or the model is made that way.

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I can't remember if there is a way to make custom animations or not. If there is then you could make your own that is assignable. Just a thouhgt, check the onSpawn section of the placeable UTI for anything that could initiate the animation.

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