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[spoilers]Question about Revan's future

Darth D

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Hello to everyone, I am new to the forum and i have a question , about the new novel.

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I have been reading some stuff recently about Revan and what really happened after the duel on Star Forge. In the end Revan is been captured by Lord Vitiate and Revan manages to hold him for 300 years. After that and after the Great Galactic War , the Emperor withdrews and he is over 1400 years old :eek:. My question is this , what happened to him(the emperor) did he died ? Did Sidious or another more powerful Dark Lord or Jedi Killed him , or he just disapeared ?


Thank you for your time

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When you say about playing the game , you mean Star Wars The Old Republic?

I think I will play the game , but I wanted to ask that , they left a lot of questions unanswered and I think that everything will be revealed in the game.

Thank you for the hints :thmbup1:

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wots the date in 1 week? i relly don't no that number i nevr finishd scool i nevr lernd 2 add up days on a calendr today is a one and a three of dec. I dunno wut 'dec' meens culd u tell me plz kthxbai



......Nah I kid. :D The game is actually coming out in 1 week. Not sure how anyone who has looked it up could miss the date, but stranger things have happened.


Yup. 12/20/11


If you register at the SWTOR website in advance of throwing down $5 on a preorder (you have to type it in on your SWTOR.com account) you get a color change crystal thingie to use in game on your lightsabers and blasters, like those rainbow lightsabers. Even if you don't buy the game right away. Me, I got my $150 lined up for a collector's edition. I'm a make a proud trip down to Best Buy to purchase it.


Then I just have to build a new computer...hopefully this holiday season won't leave me hurting too badly.

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Yeah for U.S., though I thought it was worldwide...I don't remeber but I'm sure you can look it up. :D Yea it requires a monthly subscription...IIRC Jae knows it. Something like $15/mo.?


I'd say, either you record your avdenture with a program like FRAPS or similar so you have something to go with the memories once you are done playing, OR you can wait for *years* until it is no longer supported because they took down their server. I'm sure in the case of the latter over a LAN and an emulator program you'll be able to mimic it. Least that's what SWG players have resolved to do now that Galaxies is no more.


Personally, I find now that I don't care to hang onto every game I ever owned, just the ones near and dear to me. After you get done and have played everything one really doesn't tend to touch it again. Unless it means something to you, you're just keeping excess baggage.

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