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Wait Troubles

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Okay, so I have two scripts here:

void main()


 SetGlobalFadeIn(1.0, 3.0);






void main()






Now they compile just fine. My trouble is this:


Basically, the first of the two codes plays first in a dialogue, the delay is there so you can see people walking for 3.2 seconds before the next node fires, which is a different camera, which also has the second script attached to it. Now in this second node one of my NPC's is saying something. Now, I believe due to that NPC talking, that first node does not wait 3.2 seconds before switching, it instead waits somewhere around 10.4 seconds, or in simpler terms, until the NPC that is going to speak on the next node, has stopped moving. Now, when I did this with delays in the dialogue file itself, everything worked out perfectly fine. But now, it doesn't seem to want to work properly at all. Am I stuck using delays and making conversations entirely unskippable?

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That's probably because pause conversation does just that, pausing the convo. So no VO lines in the convo, until the wait is done. In this case, that looks like the line would play about 5.2 seconds.

Try using the first script, then the VO lines *without script*, and adding the second code to the next (empty) node.

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