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TSL idea inspired from 90_SK's bleach mod

Darth Avlectus

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Not necessarily a request per se, though my skinning skills probably leave something to be desired.


Is it possible to move the beauty mark to the right side of that one female face in TSL? The one with dark hair? Possibly resize, reshape, and relocate it in a slightly different position on the opposite side of her face (under mouth and more towards the edge)?


Then all that would be in order would be a reskin. Although her hair style/model isn't the same since it's pulled back.


--It isn't too hard to guess who I'm thinking of, if you're a Bleach fan or are even remotely aware of the show. But in case you are not in the know:

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Is it even remotely do-able?

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Suppose skinning isn't quite so big an issue here. I'm inquiring after the effects under the skin.


Am aware Darth Sion has it for the portion of his face missing its flesh, one of the male heads (Buzz Cut) has it with the scar over one eye. This female with a beauty mark.


Not going to even pretend to know what I'm talking about here: I've observed it's something to do with what's under the skins to give an appearance that shows outside on one side of the face/body/etc and not the other. Force sensitive armors use it as well because their leg/shin guard area are asymmetrical, for example.


Recalling attempts to replicate Anakin Skywalker from ROTS, there was difficulty encountered with applying the eye scar. So would this not run into similar difficulty here? Difference is it isn't really adding anything, it's moving and tweaking what's already there.

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