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Question on Globals


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I've recently begun work on a mod that focuses on customising the appearance of your droid party members in TSL and have been trying to think of a way that will allow me to keep track of which line in appearance.2da they are currently using.


I've decided that using globals would probably be the easiest solution, but have been wondering whether there might be a more efficient way to accomplish my objective.


My main concern is that i've read that adding too many new globals can slow the game down. I doubt that adding just two new globals would probably be fine, but I just want to get some input from someone more experienced as to whether what i'm thinking is correct.


If anyone can think of a better way for me to do this, please feel free to post your opinion. :D

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I'm not sure you can even check what the current appearance.2da line of someone is, though there are definitely ways around that.


As for the globals, they are probably your best bet. I've added WAY more than 2 globals to the game for one of my mods and it doesn't slow down the game at all, so whatever said that they would slow it down was mistaken.


If you're still concerned, the addition of one global number should be all you really need anyway.

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I'm not sure you can even check what the current appearance.2da line of someone is, though there are definitely ways around that.


Actually, in TSL there is a GetAppearanceType() function in nwscript.nss as well as a ChangeAppearanceOfObject(). I'm not at the computer right now though, so the names of those functions may be slightly off.


I could use the GetAppearanceType() function to track the appearances, but for the amount i'm going to be using, it seems a little clunky.


My original plan was to do as Hassat Hunter said above, so I won't be tracking the appearances per se, but the global values.


I just wanted to know whether anyone knew of an alternative way, but it seems like I may have been right to begin with.


Thank you both for your help. :D

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