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AOK You had to build houses..


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That strategy will almost certainly work with GB as well, considering they have houses. The only thing that's different is that you can now have shields too, meaning that if you have enough troops IN your base, you are pretty safe from any outside attack. After all troops would have to get through the shield to disable it.


In AOK; units could hide in towncenters, and you would see arrows coming out of TC's. The more units inside, the more arrows. Think we'll see lasers in GB ??

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Guest Tie Guy

LOL that sounds about right.


Anyways, on the topic of shields. Did it occure to anyone that a base with a shield is gonna be very dificult to accack succefully. I hope that they don't unbalance the game too, much. Afterall, this is new, so it may need some work to be balanced.

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Guest Tie Guy

You may each have a shield, but that doesn't mean that you can attack another base more easily. It is like giving a base twice the defenseive units, which means that you gotta be really determined to take out a shielded base.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, but a good base would have air defenses, and the buildings inside would still have double HP, making them harder to kill. All your units would probably get shot down while trying to destryo the shield.


Another Question: Do you guy think that if you build two shields and they overlap the building/unit will have 4 times the HP, or have 2 the regen rate?

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there's a pic of a gungan tower in one of the shots, so we're assuming that it's an anti air tower. in any rts game with air units, there has to be anit air towers that can defend your base or else you're SOL. yes, good pt leon, two shields doesn't increase your hp by 4, rather if one is destroyed the othe takes over makes a lot of sense.....if not, you'll see the biggest horde of faamba generators you'll ever see......:D

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm guessing that in Emperor: Battle for Dune didn't have AA Towers :D


anyways, i figured the shields couldn't overlap, and hopefully the designers didn't overlook that possiblity when making the game. That could make for some really overbalanced play.

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, there you have it.


Besides, those are exactly like the the bubles in the movie, and if you look at other screens i think you can see the exact same thing above water, meaning they could only be houses.


What would be cool is if they had underwater boat defenses, sorta like torpedo pods underwater.

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