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Help Merging appearance.2da


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You'll have to forgive me if this has been posted on before (I'm sure it has) but I've done a thorough search through Google and the forums here and wasn't able to find a solution.


I used to be quite adept at installing KotOR mods but that was many years ago and I've since forgotten pretty much all there is to know on the subject.


As of right now I have 2, potentially more if I figure this out, appearance.2da files that I'd like to merge.


I've just installed the TSLRCM and would like to install RedHawke's Exile's General Uniform as well. I'd like to modify whatever files are necessary so that these mods can run in conjunction.


Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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I'm not at my computer right now, nor do I have that particular mod to hand, so I can't check, but i'll do my best to answer your question...


All you should need to do though is copy whatever changes Redhawke make to the file in his mod over to the one in your Override folder.


Then, if there are new rows which are used by new GFF files, just change the Row Index in the GFF to match the ones in the 2da.


Simple enough. Though as I said, i'm not at the computer at the moment and can't examine the mod, so what i've said may be completely irrelevant. :p


Good luck!

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