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Unique Units!


What unique unit is the strongest?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What unique unit is the strongest?

    • Faaba Shield Generator
    • Dark Trooper
    • Wookiee Beserker
    • Naboo Royal Knight
    • Trade Federation Droidekas
    • Rebel Alliance Snowspeeder

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I was the only one to vote for the destroyer droids. They are gonna be the best because of their compact size, their numerous guns and their speed. They can unleash a barrage of fire and get out quicker than quick. With their shield they can take out numerous troops before their shield runs out. they will probably be expensive but in my opinion worth it.

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Guest Tie Guy

That would be JayVizion.


Anyways, they might not regenerate at all, they may just have a bigger amount of HP, although it would make sense if they did regenerate, but that would be a little close to the Berserker of the Wookies.

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Guest Tie Guy

That's coz there aren't that many people that actually post here often. We don't have "regulars" here, not yet. Most of the people that sign up aske maybe one question or so and then leave.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Gee you must not be popular Rommel:D

I think they voted and Leon attacked them when they did so they stopped voting... Oh no here he comes:eek:


Leon I was Joking:D :D I have faith that you'll make a great Mod.:D


He already is great :angel:

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I try to vote on every poll and i MUCH prefer people to do the same instead of wasting the space below.. :D (ouch..)

this is actually the fourth thread where i'm seeing this happen.. so come ON people...start a new thread about mods in Feedback or something if you want.. just don't have the same mod-conversations in every single forum ok ?

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