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Pazaak Fixes&Tweaks


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I decided to put together a number of fixes and tweaks that apply to the Pazaak portion of the KotOR game.


The unfair mechanic of the KotOR Pazaak minigame (later amended by Obsidian in the sequel) is what prompted me to start my work. From there I have expanded it to try and make the whole Pazaak business a better one. If you are one of those that don't like to (ab)use the "Reload" button, this might be a good modification to have in your Override.


(from the readme)


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- Pazaak odds rebalanced via new pazaakdecks.2da: winning is still tough against Expert and Nightmare decks but the odds are less insurmountable

- General: Fixed a number of k_xxx_xxxxxend.ncs scripts

- General: Fixed a no credits loss issue - the player now loses credits when playing a match where the opponent wages his cards (exception: Fodo Medoo)

- Fodo Medoo: Tweaked dialogue so that it'd be consistent with the player not losing credits if defeated in the last match when Fodo wagers his cards

- Niklos: Minor changes to dialogue tree and scripts

- Gonto Yas: Fixed a script bug - it checked for 30:- instead of 300:-

- Gonto Yas: Fixed a script bug - Gonto Yas would speak the same line over and over after Pazaak matches if the player talked to him after Dantooine was destroyed

- Gonto Yas: Restored a few unused spoken lines

- Toll Apkar: He is no longer an "infinite" player

- Toll Apkar: Restored a few unused lines

- Toll Apkar: He plays now according to a realistic WIN/LOSS ratio

- Sul'aa: He plays now according to a realistic WIN/LOSS ratio

- Jolan Aphett: He plays now according to a realistic WIN/LOSS ratio

- Jolan Aphett: He now speaks Nikto's alien language instead of Rodian's

- Suvam: He plays now according to a realistic WIN/LOSS ratio

- Suvam: Added a node that triggers after playing Pazaak tutorial - in the original game it'd trigger a "I won Pazaak"/"I lost Pazaak" line instead

- Suvam: Fixed a script bug - the player could use Force Persuade to obtain a Pazaak deck even if (s)he did not have that power


The download link:



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