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Do modern games use 3ds max?

Tyler Hartman

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I would assume so.


I'm making my own game with the unity3d engine, and I'm using 3dsdmax for most of the modelling.


I think it also depends a lot on the type of modelling. All the character modelling I here about these days seems to be done through mudbox.

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It depends. For props and weapons and whatnot, many use 3DS Max. For characters, zbrush seems to be becoming the norm.


If you learn 3DS Max to a very proficient level though, you will be able to learn other modelers very quickly and easily, however. You can't really go wrong by learning 3DS Max as opposed to anything else.

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Zbrush is a sculpting program (as are Mudbox and other similar programs). They are used to make a high poly mesh to generate normal maps. You still do all your low poly rigging in a traditional 3D app like Max or Maya.


If you are planning on doing a degree, chances are that you will work with a variety of programs (such as Max/Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop, etc.). For a career in the industry, what skillset you want/need will depend greatly on what it is you want to do.

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Zbrush is a sculpting program (as are Mudbox and other similar programs). They are used to make a high poly mesh to generate normal maps. You still do all your low poly rigging in a traditional 3D app like Max or Maya.


Indeed, and high poly baking is now the industry standard. If you want to do characters in the industry, you will more likely than not need to know how to use Zbrush or Mudbox. And yes, you would also need a normal modeling program such as 3DS Max to be used in conjunction. I would not recommend touching Zbrush until you're proficient in 3DS Max, I probably should have added that.

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