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Rebel ships vrs. Imperial ships


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:deathstar its all bout balancing the sides. the rebels when they first get ships have better ones....the have shields and better weapons from the start. the empire however has that little better hitpoints to stop a rebel player massacaring his opponents forces with out a fight. at least this is the way i saw it when i researched this........... also the empire should kick ass its way cooler :atat::vadar::trooper::guard::atat:


p.s i do not want to start an argument. i dont want loads of sad losers now replyin that the rebels r better.........ok leave it alone......u know ur in the wrong....:mad:

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the mepire....now i would give u the history man but i dont have the time. the tie fighters are incredably manoeverable.......their wing shape and theirsolar engines make them fast. contary to the rogue squadron books.....those invincible pilots u gota love em....... the tie fighter is a deadly foe.... may be not in its normal form but certainly in the interceptor and the defender is the best space fighter in the universe... as all who have played supremacy will know.......

any way u might as well bow down to the empire than be put down............lol:atat: :deathii::emperor::tie::vadar::dtrooper::duel::thrawn2::vsd::mob:

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Guest xwing guy

Tie fighters are fast in manverable, in space. But in atmosphere their wing shape is not areodynamic so they have drag and yaw problems.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

Rebel ships are better cuz of shields. But that doesn't matter till later on, cuz the ships in tech 3 are still the same.

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Heres some more interesting stuff i found. If you go to the tech tree in the demo, and put your mouse over a unit such as a mech, it will show you the actual name for it. Here are some examples: Imperial strike mechs are AT-PTs, and mech destroyers

are Pre AT-STs. Wookie mounted trooper ride dragons, trade fed mntd troopers ride beetles, rebels ride tauntuans, and so on.

Also the wookie mech destroyer is the Kas tank, and the gungan mech destroyer is a creature called a Lerraa. Check it out!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Tie Guy

That would be cool Leo, but everyone would be the Naboo, and no one would be the Empire or the gungans.


Which doesn't have to be a bad thing, just has alot less diversity

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Guest jubjubjub

Shielded ships survive missle attacks and air attacks. Unshielded ships don't. It makes a huge difference in game play, especially with bombers, which are powerful with shields en masse and are quickly destroyed without them.

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