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Best Ending Ever?

Guest ZeroXcape

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Sorry about that, but I didn't really consider that a spoiler. Maybe had I said what the secret was, then you could by all means dump rotten banana peels on me smile.gif I was merely answering a question posted in this thread wink.gif



"Goodbye cruel adventure game!!" - Guybrush Threepwood

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Guest Guybrush112

Yup, no secret of monkey island yet. Have you ever givin thought that MI4 is the last installment. I mean, Guy and Elaine are stille married, I can't see LeChuck coming back after this death, Herman Toothrot is revealed, already met Carla and Otis and Meathook. What to do?



"Mortal fool! Release me from this retched tomb! I will hide your keysin your upholstered furniture! And never more will you be able to find socks that match!"

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No problem Blue_Cheese smile.gif


What are you guys talking about? How could that NOT be the secret of Monkey Island at the end of EMI? (I mean, the cutscene's name says so!) wink.gif


Okay, so explain to me why it isn't the secret. smile.gif



"Goodbye cruel adventure game!!" - Guybrush Threepwood

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Right I'm new to this and I haven't even got a reasonable quote for at the bottom of my message. I chose peg nose pete cos' I'm hunting the bastard and cos' you've all take up all the other names.


RIGHT LISTEN UP! I don't know about all this elevator stuff at the end of MI2 (Mission Impossible 2? No!) But all I know is that it took me a HELL of long time to complete that game (On both difficulties!). But I remember getting to the end and getting the "E" ticket and thinking that the only possible use for it would be that it is a ticket or p*** to another dimension. That's the only thing I could really figure.


CMI I think kinda ignored the MI2 ending or changed our perception of the ending with it's beginning.


WHY DID RON GILBERT leave! Didn't he want to make anymore? I know he didn't really like CMI.


I prefer the new Guybrush 3D look to that of Guybrush in CMI. Didn't think he looked as good as he did in the previous 2.


Weren't you all a little dissapointed when you opened you EMI box and only saw 2 disks! I wanted at least four! CMI was too small, it didn't seem as big a MI2.


I'm going to stop now as this message is too long. ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!

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Guest C Shutt

I've just read this thread for the first time. And I have an answer to a question.


Someone (I don't remember who) asked what the significance of the "E" ticket was. Simple. At DisneyLand, an "E" ticket was a ticket that would allow you to ride a particular ride all day.


Hope that's put your mind at rest, whoever you are.



"You want me?

Fucking well come and find me,

I'll be waiting,

With a gun and a pack of sandwiches."


-Talk Show Host, Radiohead.

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Ron Gilbert had a tantrum on leaving Lucasarts, which is why he ended MI2 the way he did. He couldn't conclusively end the series as he didn't own the rights (Lucasarts did) but he felt that by giving such a wierd ending, he would kill any chance they had of sensibly continuing it.

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Ohh, Boy!


Dam'ya guy!

How could ya do that? Lose a CD of LucasArts game???!!! Can't U get it from yar friends?

Gimme an Email and I'll mail to ya the whole game, 'fya wanna have it. My mail addy is:







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the ending to part 2 is a joke. at the end of the first one elaine says she has a husband, where'd he go? it was a goof. i doubt ron gilbert ended the second one in that fashion because he was angry and trying to kill the series. it clearly states that guybrush is under a spell. the ending to part three was great, but i wish i'd been able to free wally.

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Ok, here's what "Pelit" magazine telled 'bout

MI2 'n' da ending:


"After a long and joyable adventure, the enemies met each other in underground tunnels. LeChuck lost the fight, but the last thing revealed that this all (MI and MI2) had happened in two little boys minds.

The day in carnival has just started and the pirate-gaming was over.

"At least Ron Gilbert thought so. But LEC disagree, and the story continues"


B.T.W "Pelit" magazine gave 81 points o' 100 to EMI.




Y'all know what I'm sayin'?

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  • 2 weeks later...

maybe the real secret of monkey island is that herman toothrot is infact elaines grandfather?


then again who knows? besides, it's only a game all this fussing over it is making me depressed, here we all are fussing over which episode has the best ending blaa blaa blaa blaa, and i've only played le chucks revenge once so i cant comment- but im gonna sit here and just tell everyone to relax a tad, please? for the sake of guybrush?

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you know why the MI2 ending was the best? its the only ending that kept you sittting on the chair thinking you'r still suposed to continue playing, until you realize "hey its IS over!?"





[This message has been edited by NiKo (edited October 06, 2001).]

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As far as this lovely topic goes:


(a) i dont care what CMI had to say about MI as i just care about what Ron Gilbert would have done. Though i still follow MI, i just take it as an interpretation and extension of Ron's MI.

(b) i like mi2 ending as it is strange and opens up alot of possibilities as this topic has proven <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm20.gif" border=0>

© god i'd kill millions to know what ron would have done.

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