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I've never played Monkey Island 2!!! Is there any way y'all can help?

Pollo de Diablo

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What I am saying there is a difference between borrowing a copy, and then give it back, instead of copying the game illegally, which is what pirated versions on the internet are. Why do you think so many games these days are designed so that in order to play the game you have to have the CD in the CD ROM drive? There is a big difference. I also think that most mods would say they probably have borrowed a game off a friend/relative or lent it to someone in the past, but they haven't downloaded games that are still avalible to buy.

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You make no sense what-so-ever.


How is copying the game illegaly over the internet different from copying the game illegaly from someone you know?


You say there is a difference, but I fail to understand what you are saying it is.


Who cares if mods have borrowed a game from someone? That's supposed to be okay because they are mods so they could never do anything wrong?


Give me a break.


In both cases, you are ILLEGALY obtaining a game that you did not pay for, and therefore are hurting the company which sells the product.


Since you admit that you did htis yourself, I find it hard to belive that you have the nerve to criticize those who do the same


By the way, piracy is defined as "the unauthorized reproduction or use of copyrighted material" (Which you did) Maybe you should look up the definition yourself?


If you close down this topic, close it down due to your own comments, not others


Its a wonder I ever left this place:rolleyes:

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Without going too deep in the discussion I can give an example when copying is legal.


In a family the son gets EMI and the daughter gets the Bounty Pack.

It is then OK to make copies so each of them has a complete set and can play the games on their respective PC.

(Lucas Arts doesn't like it of course but can't do anything about it.)


But it is illegal if they make copies to their friends and class mates.

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Heh, I'm sorry Natty, but I just can't agree with you either. Borrowing the game, copying it to your computer and then giving the game back is essentially the same thing as downloading, except that a physical copy is involved. I have never done this with a game. The closest I have ever done was give the bonus copy of CMI that comes with EMI to one of my friends as a gift, without installation on my computer. I didn't even open it. But I consider that to be a little different, LEC lost money by bundling CMI with the game no matter who CMI goes to.


This is how I kind of look at the whole thing. Copyright determines who has the right to copy a product for distribution. Whenever a game is downloaded or borrowed, the game was illegally copied and distributed. Making copies for a household isn't distribution, so families can share products and copies can be made for personal use. Kind of simplistic, but I look at the issue that way.


Or this is another way I look at it.


Whenever someone acquires a copy of a game, and the publisher does not recieve money for it, it's piracy. (Unless the publisher has dropped ownership of the product and put it into the public domain and so forth)


That's just my opinion, I'm sure many people disagree with me. But I agree with El Tiburon and Mek in this topic.


And I really mean no offense, but speak for yourself Natty. Mod or no mod, I'm not a big fan of having someone speak for me. Thanks. Sometimes people make mistakes in assuming such generalizations.

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This might not help, but the July 2000 issue of PC Gamer had a whole bunch of classic games on their disc, including....The Secret of Monkey Island. If they do another issue like this, my guess is that they would get MI2. I got my copy from the Lucas Arts classic games thingamober for 20 bucks Canadian with the first 3, which means it's probably 10-15 American. Half the time pirated software doesn't work anyways. My reason to believ that MI2 will at some point be distributed by PC Gamer is withthe same issue, you got games as recent as 1995, such as Terminal Velocity and Need for Speed 1.

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OK, that's a fair comment, I see what you mean now, and yes it was hypocritical of me, and I do apologize, from now on I've decided I'm not going to borrow anymore games from people. The only games I did borrow though was SMI and MI2, and the only reason for that was because they aren't sold to Australia or Australia doesn't distribute them anymore, which isn't my fault Australia can't get it anymore, and I've looked at buying them over the net, but with how shyte our currancy is at the moment (basically, in simple terms, 1Australian dollar is equal or roughly the same as 2American dollars) so because of that it would cost a fortune, and besides that you need a credit card, which I don't have. Besides, most places on the net only appear to ship to America or the UK. So what am I supposed to do in that regard? I've tried everything I can think of to play the first 2games again, and in the end I ended up borrowing them off my relatives- and they've been the only games I've ever borrowed from someone. I might have games being brought over to show me, and if I like the game then I'll buy it, if I don't like it I don't buy it. But I always uninstall it after I've looked at it. But in those cases it's not like I ask anyone to bring them over, and 99% of the time it's my boyfriend who just comes over with all these games to show me.


So unless you know of a place that will ship to Australia than let me know, coz like I said, you can't get it in Australia anymore, period the computer places I've asked have said so themselves, they didn't tell me why though. Does that still make me hypocritical for borrowing the game? If the game was still avalible in Aus, well yes I think it would, but since it's not I basically have no choice do I? So please, if anyone knows where in Aus I can get it or whatever then let me know.

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I have a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (I also have a 64, but let's use this example). I would quite often lend a cartridge to a friend so they could play it, and play one of theirs.


I once had a friend who had borrowed Monkey Island 2 from a friend and was playing it on his computer (he needed the code wheel) - as far as I know that friend still had it installed on his.


I have One Must Fall installed on my computer and yes do enjoy playing it. It was downloaded from the internet.


IF I had a personal work computer I may want to install say Duke Nukem 3D on both of themso I could play it regardless of where I was. And if that was the case I would do so (If I could find the CD that is).


These are a few examples of 100% legal copying.



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  • 1 month later...

Basically, as these products are still available for purchasing (no matter what country you live in) and had not been declared freeware, then to copy them for non-personal use or give others a means or information on obtaining a means of copying them for non-personal use (including downloading) is illegal and will be delt with severely.

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Lemon Head, the places I've tried in Aus say one of the following


a. the game isn't made anymore


b. they can't get the game coz it isn't made anymore



Unless someone knows a place in Aus where I can get the game, phuleeeeeeeeeeeze lemme know :) I would order it from somewhere like the UK or America, but our currancy is crap :(


Admittedly I haven't checked the Lucas Arts website, but someone said on here aaaaaaaaaages ago they only sell to the USA and Canada :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am also looking for MI2, but the only place i can find it, is @ Electronic Boutique! and there, they only sell the bounty pack, but i have already got number 1,3 + 4. I found a placce to download it, and i did so, but my computer got rebooted, and i lost it. so i went to the same website, but i have to go to this other site 2 download it, because its not there anymore. and it wont let me download it.

so i cant get t either!!!!!!



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MI2 is available in the following:





The fact is that MI2 is NOT available individually. You could either buy the 3-pack of MI games or the Adventure Pack which has tons of other great games (but not MI3, in case you're morally opposed to ever buying it again).

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