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Enough Units?

Guest Paladin

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isnt there like 50 aside? aslong as there good units and not waste of spaces like AOK's spear men..(OMG THEY WERE BALLS) well be fine:duel:

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i think e meant that there were more units avalible in aok including the last level. i think he's right. with out the chemistry units (bombard cannon so on) there wouldn't be. i do think there are less.

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1) 300 different types of units


2) All have different enough art and techs to make them unique


3) AoK had one basic art type and the buildings had 4 different art types


4) You have more ground units than AoK and then you have the added bonus of air units that add a whole new depth to the game


5) If you want more just wait till the X-Pac that is sure to come...

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Yeah fergie I agree. I hope there will be an x-pack. But I don't know if it's just me but each civ really has a different feel. I'm not saying that really play all that differently (aside from the 4th level unique techs.) but has a certain feel, I played 2 games today both random and played each civ. With the different art sets I do get a sense of a different feel.


For insatance using the rebels equivalant of the strike mech i felt that I had fast speeders that can hover the ground and go enywhere. (not that they can) With the Empire version it just feels different. I don't know why.

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darth tenor,

maybe the force is strong in others?


anyhow, i agree with aoerat, there are about 300 units total when you talk about graphics, but realistically i think there are the same number of units as is in aok. maybe there are a few more in swgb b/c of the jedi/bounty hunter thing as well as the air units but overall about the same.

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Guest Darth_Nixon42



But Lord JayVizIon, i think you'll find each races units different enough, within the graphics and the many upgrades each race will or not get.


I bet you could tell the difference with a wookie grunt with (basically) all the up-grades, making them tough and strong. And a nancy boy naboo trooper with little upgrades, thus making him handle like a weaker unit.


These are examples of characteristcs displayed in Movies and Books of the starwars genre. So in my opinion, yes it will have many more units than AOK.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

Lemme give you a comparison in ways of ships: there were four standard in AoK: Fire ship, galleys, demolition ships, and cannon galleons. There are now at least 5. Each one looks different too. Plus, they didn't need to make the es engine, that is why this is looking SO MUCH BETTER. They had more time for campaigns and making units, that means. There are also TONS you have no seen in the level 4 tech.

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also lets not forget the hidden units that r in there somewhere for u to find and also when u build ur own map....the number of extra units in there is also quite large....

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Guest Paladin

I posted this thread. I meant including all tech levels in the finished product. Will they add more units besides the ones in the tech trees.

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