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The Main Idea

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Hiya Guys,

I have a new cracking, wonderfull and great idea for Star Wars Kotor II The Sith Lords. It would be something like the mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revange but still very different. It would go like this:


The game begins normal etc, telos etc and then when you go to Korriban to find the jedi master there you will find not only 4 tombs but also a fifth one in the Valley of the Dark Lord wich you can enter. When you enter the tomb you must fight through some shyrack and tuka'ta. Then you find a room with a tomb in the center of it. Only when you open the tomb there lies only a robe in it and a lightsaber, but no remains. Then you will discover that the robe and lightsaber are of Darth Traya. Then when you want to grab the robe and lightsaber the dark side of the tomb attacks you and The Exile falls uncouncious.

Kreia feels it, though she is afraid to enter the surface on Korriban she gets off the ship and then you play as Kreia, no other party members. Then you have to enter the fifth tomb to try and rescue the Exile. When kreia enters the tomd there will appear some Dark Jedi Ghosts, who will bow before her and then use force drain on Kreia, then she falls too uncious on the ground.

Then she awakes in a white room, and she sees a younger self. Then the true mod begins. Kreia shall relive her past. From when she joins the Jedi Order until she lies uncouncious on the Ebon Hawk in the prologue.

So we would have Coruscant and then something else of her past and more things of her past and then her time with Revan then whe she finds the Trayus Academy and then her dark side times and then when she gots cast down in the Trayus Core by Sion and Nihilus and finnaly also her search for the exile and the part of the Harbinger where she tries ot safe the exile. And then it will end when we see Kreia lying uncoucnious on the Ebon Hawk. You play the whole time Kreia, but from young to old.


After this all will happen Kreia awakes and finds herself in a room of the Sith Tomb. Far away from the Exile. Then we shall have a shot from the exile. She lies still uncouncious in that Room. She too will awake in a white room and then her past shall begin as mod. But that shall be a short one, like joining the jedi order, some battles on planets and then Malachor and finnaly some parts when she is in Exile. Then she will still lie uncouncious in that room. Then we play again as Kreia and she trie to find the exile and afe her. She must fight thorugh some things and shall reach the exile. Then the exile will awake. Then they shall discover that the tomb is made for Darth Traya. Kreia will hide still something before the exile and finnaly they shall leave the tomb and the normal game shall continue.


I hope you will like the mod for the game.

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Hiya Guys,

I have a new cracking, wonderfull and great idea for Star Wars Kotor II The Sith Lords. It would be something like the mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revange but still very different. It would go like this:


The game begins normal etc, telos etc and then when you go to Korriban


If this is True then it is not a TC. TC=Total Converstion TOTAL

and BoS also isnt a TC b4 people say its added Content :D


Plus what if the Player is like me i always leave Korriban til LAST as its such a Boring Place in Both Games!!!! and atleast K1 had a few tombs to play in :p

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