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Season 2 of TCW

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There's still time to see it. There is an encore right after it. It is also showing it on the second Cartoon Network at 11:00 and right after that is an encore at 12:00. I saw it and it wasn't that bad. I have a feeling Season 2 will be better than Season 1 because Season 2 seems to have a big storyline while Season 1 barely had any.

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Darth333 banned him for letting his brother (aar'ika) and friend (darthwarren) sign up on his comp. D333 didn't understand the circumstances and believed for him to be using multiple accounts. I'll see if I can straighten this out (without getting myself banned :whacked:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to miss the new episode! Here's why:My T.V in my room is connected to the T.V in my sister's room so whatever is showing on my T.V is showing on her T.V. I have the VCR but she always makes me change the channel or when I'm not there she comes in my room and changes the channel. Everytime something good is on she changes the channel to something stupid she's seen a million times, and whenever she's not watching T.V, nothing good is on. I hate my sister and he's always doing bad stuff and my parents can't do anything about it either cause she never listens to them. She still watches all the stupid baby shows on Cartoon Network, Disney, and Nickelodeon and she's 12 years old!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I hated the second season so far, especially the Mandalorian ones. They just took the Mandalorian name, and pissed on it. There are no pacifistic Mandalorians! I am sickened that Lucas even thought of that!

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