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The Ulimate Duel: Vader vs Maul: Who wins?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Looks towards Fergie..




Poor Fergie.. someday you will learn intern.. someday =)


Better say Maul there buddy, just remember who is judging your trial for Nexsis =P jk


P.S. How can you refer to Ep III if it was you dismissing anything about that episode since "it has no script"? =P


[reply] Lets just say it is unlikely they will clone Maul...It would just be stupidity...And as far as we know Maul is dead...You must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel there ;)[/reply]




(don't be angry...I have been studing SW since 3 and read the Thrawn Trilogy when I was 5...:) )

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Guest Admiral Odin

um. He simple said that even if there was a script for Ep. III Maul is dead so it won't matter, yet there is no script so the point is mute anyways.

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Guest isthisfor_real

First you need manhood in the first place to hang on to it, struggling to keep you pubic hairs from itching is not manhood.


Not once did I say I proved my points when in reality I didn't. Nexsis to prove something the other person that means they have to agree so frankly I gave you credit on things you were right about but you haven't proved nothing. Fergie did he prove anything to you?


I have to give you more credit about something I just read said Qui-Gon was a master. So for that I apoligize until I see something more authentic to make me change my mind.


I wish you wouldnt quit!! I wanna know how I'm beating around the bushes.

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Guest Lord Tirion

The whole entire point was mute. What does Maul being dead have to do with a the topic? The point was simply Maul vs Vader. It was the Vader fans that expanded this topic to include all these outside theories because they knew that the people who supported Maul had them beat in their theories. Scroll up and look for yourself. Soon as Tie Guy and myself and even a few others threw out the facts about Maul and his skills, all of a sudden all the Vader fans tried to reach out and stretch and twist things that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic to try and redeem themselves.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Because this topic has been beating senseless. The Maul boys made their points and firmly proved what most of the Vader boys threw at us. But did they admit they were wrong once proven it? Only 2 I think. The rest kept on saying the SAME THINGS. That is going around the bush to me. Time and time again people were saying the movies were made long ago, Vader would force choke him, fore choke that. It was getting old. And what made it worse was that the credibility of some of the Vader boys was shot to hell when they themselves said that the only reason Vader would win is because he was "cooler"? What kind of rebuttal is that? I made my points. Now it is up to you guys to go see for yourselves. You have done so and have admitted that I was right on the things that you have researched and for that, you have my repsect. Now just look at the rest and you will see where my point of views come from. Anybody who says Vader can defeat Maul in a clean saber battle is a fool and I lose respect for their credibilty. Why? Because it is obvious they are more interested in their ego taking a hit just because Vader was their hero, and are not willing to accept that maybe their hero is not as invincible as they make him out to be. I mean after all, he was killed by a pre-Jedi Knight....

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Guest Admiral Odin

The thing about Maul being dead was about a reference to them fighting in Episode III that is all.


I'll still disagree and say Vader would win. It is an opion and can't be wrong. Even if you don't like it.


The trick is accepting people's opions, not being upset because they are not the same as yours. Which you seem to be. I may be wrong an if I am I'm sorry, but that is how you are coming off to me.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I couldn't disagree with you more. Its not the fact I dont like that your opinions sway you over to Vader. Does it really matter irl in who would win? Of course not. I made this topic to liven up this forum and bring out some fun. But what I dont like is that people stick to their beliefs for reasoning that is unjustified because of the "just because" theory. That is why I wanted them to back up WHY they think so and so would win. This goes for Maul fans as well. Saying Maul would win just because doesn't fly for me. It is obvious you did not take the time to do what I suggested and go up and read the topic like I said and see where the Vader fans veered off on another tangent because this was a quick reply. Just go up and do so and you will see. And you will also see me proving the same points wrong that vader fans threw at me time and time again (the same exact points mind you) and then you wonder why I get frustrated and bang my head..




Also, I am not flaming anybody just for the record. I am doing all this with tongue in cheek so to say. I am not going to lash out for replies in this type of thread hehe. That would be childish. My reasoning my come off as hard but in no way do I mean ill-will towards anybody who I am debating with.

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Guest Admiral Odin

My thoughts still stay, that in your previos post you seemed not to accept their opions. wether or not this is true I don't really care and is not important. (I haven't scrolled up persay because I don't really have the time. I take your word for it.


Now the reason why I believe Vader would win is this.


Vader brought down the Jedi, (granted he had some help but he was the major force in bringing them down, also it wasn't Vader vs all the Jedi at once, still I think that shows Vader to be very powerful)


Maul was defeated by two Jedi. Sure he was killed somewhat by surprise but if Maul is so stron in the force he should have been more aware of Obiwans actions.


For the second part Mual seemed only to be holding his own against the Jedi. If he could have killed Obi, and Qui Gon quickly I think he would have.


Also you said Vader was defeated by a pre-Jedi. But if you watch RtJ, you will see in the final battle Vader purposely goes down. He doesn't trip or fall. but does it on his own. This leads me to think he wanted Luke to win and by doing so commit himself to the dark side (but that is on another subject)


Now on to force ablitiy, Maul was only an apprentice (no matter how skilled he was just an apprentice not a full master) Vader was a Dark Lord of the Sith, which makes me to believe Vader has the advantage with the force. Besides Vader is supposed to be the chosen one, so being the most powerful in the force maybe only second to his children.


To weapons. A staff in a proper hands should be able to easily beat a sword any day. Maul failed to do this. He kept up but didn't strick them down like a staff could do. Vader on the other hand has killed many Jedi. I think Vader has more experience of actual combat and that is an advantage.


Mauls weapon is self cannot be extended once it has been turned on. Vader's can. This gives Vader the advantage of surprise, no telling when he can make the blade longer then it was or shorter depending on the circomstances.


In Conlcusion I think Vader has more advantages then Maul and would win.


All my info comes from the movies themselves and not books. The books are not canon and can't be considered exact.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Well I quit at posting in this thread because Im an idiot compared to some of you. I have suddenly blanked out and all my Star Wars knowledge is gone. I can't believe it! :( Im going to need to touch up on everything.... Any one have any good stroy line sites? Im so sad.:(

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Vader brought down the Jedi, (granted he had some help but he was the major force in bringing them down, also it wasn't Vader vs all the Jedi at once, still I think that shows Vader to be very powerful)"


Actually I give the credit to Palpatine, not Vader.


"Maul was defeated by two Jedi."


He was? When was this? Far as I knew he killed Qui-Gon and beat Obi Wan. Obi Wan just simply killed Maul while he was gloating. If Maul was serious, he would have simply force pushed him down the generator. You cant deny that.


"For the second part Mual seemed only to be holding his own against the Jedi. If he could have killed Obi, and Qui Gon quickly I think he would have. "


FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVE MAUL SOME CREDIT!! That is the problem with you Vader boys. You NEVER give him credit!! Holding his own?? Dude, he killed Qui-Gon, a Jedi Master!! Thats holding his own? He beat Obi-Wan! Thats holding his own? He fought TWO JEDI at the SAME TIME! That is holding his own??


"Also you said Vader was defeated by a pre-Jedi. But if you watch RtJ, you will see in the final battle Vader purposely goes down."


Purposely goes down... good grief. What movie where you watching??? Luke pummeled him because he let himself be filled with hate and his saber attacks were vicious driving Vader down before eventualy lopping off his hand. "purposely goes down".. good grief.


"Now on to force ablitiy, Maul was only an apprentice"


Wrong again buddy. He was a Master in actuality. He only remained an "apprentice" in status, not ability. He was loyal to Palpatine, unlike Vader...


"To weapons. A staff in a proper hands should be able to easily beat a sword any day. Maul failed to do this."


Dude, you are making me really laugh now at your reasoning. Please refer to my reply up top about "Maul holding his own".


"In Conlcusion I think Vader has more advantages then Maul and would win."


I find your lack of faith disturbing. Actually, your conclusion is based off falsafied reasoning and a LACK of respect of Maul. You just proved it to me by reading your post.


"All my info comes from the movies themselves and not books. The books are not canon and can't be considered exact."


Thats funny, looked to me that some of your reasoning was being based on 2 movies that are not even out yet by saying Vader destroyed all the Jedi and he gets credit for that.


And you were wondering why I roll my eyes and wanted to close this topic??

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

"Also you said Vader was defeated by a pre-Jedi. But if you watch RtJ, you will see in the final battle Vader purposely goes down."


Purposely goes down... good grief. What movie where you watching??? Luke pummeled him because he let himself be filled with hate and his saber attacks were vicious driving Vader down before eventualy lopping off his hand. "purposely goes down".. good grief.


I would agree, but you missed the entire point of that scene. Luke didn't pummel Vader duew to hate for him for planning on getting his sister. No, he did it out of LOVE for his sister. If he hadn't then Palpatine would have won and Luke would have turned. But his love saved him, his love for his sister and her protection. Thats why he became a jedi, and not a sith or dark jedi.


Your right about everything else though.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

The whole entire point was mute. What does Maul being dead have to do with a the topic? The point was simply Maul vs Vader. It was the Vader fans that expanded this topic to include all these outside theories because they knew that the people who supported Maul had them beat in their theories. Scroll up and look for yourself. Soon as Tie Guy and myself and even a few others threw out the facts about Maul and his skills, all of a sudden all the Vader fans tried to reach out and stretch and twist things that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic to try and redeem themselves.






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Guest Lord Tirion

Actually I did know that Tie Guy =P But I was just keeping it simple for him hehe. In fact, that was when Luke decided that he could no long avoid his fate of confronting his father when Vader read his thoughts and found out about Leia.


And Fergie, dont have a cow dude lol. I was talking to that other guy about Episode III, not you hehe. You are gonna pop a vein or something =P

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Now on to force ablitiy, Maul was only an apprentice"


Wrong again buddy. He was a Master in actuality. He only remained an "apprentice" in status, not ability. He was loyal to Palpatine, unlike Vader...


Where did you get all this Maul stuff, Tirion? I've read "Darth Maul, Shadow Hunter" (only "Maul" book I have ever read) and it gives no mention to this...

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Guest generalViper

I think u all our underestimating maul, although maul would get pummeled because darth vader would hit him so hard that darth mauls lightsaber would go around and cut his own head off,besides that u are right he is a master, but u have to remember darth sidious a.k.a emperor is even more powerful I think he could take them both on

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I LOVE stuff like this. Great post, Nexsis!!!


I hate Maul. I gotta say it. But he was the greatest Jedi I've seen for pure athleticism.

However, this is why I think Vader would win.


1. He is more Force powerful, and more intelligent. Face it, Maul has brawns, but he's stupid! What did he think Obi-Wan was doing (in the movie)??!!?? That was the dumbest thing I've seen a Jedi do.


2. Vader fought in cramped situations, where he couldn't use much athletic ability, just strength. In his younger days, he was probably much better at that stuff. Which brings me to my last point....


3. When Luke beat Vader, Vader was about 50 years old! Literally! Hey, lotsa people could beat somebody that old! Also, Luke had the full power of the dark side, full of rage and hatred and fear, while Vader was considering crossing over to the Light side. When he was 30, Luke would have been no match for him.


So, I think in his younger days Vader would have beaten the athletic but foolish Maul. However, I think Maul would have overpowered him in his later life. Keep posting on this!!

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If you read my post i gave an excellent reason why vader would defeat maul but i degress..............




Heres the real answer:


If you were born before 1980 Vader WINS


If you were born after 1985 : Maul Wins




LOL Take them both in there prime Vader Wins



Heres the thing they didnt go into Mauls character to much

While Vader Was the focus of all 6 movies!Why? Most powerful most influenceal jedi/sith EVER!







:fett: shoots them both in the back!!!!!!

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Guest isthisfor_real

I would agree, but you missed the entire point of that scene. Luke didn't pummel Vader duew to hate for him for planning on getting his sister. No, he did it out of LOVE for his sister. If he hadn't then Palpatine would have won and Luke would have turned. But his love saved him, his love for his sister and her protection. Thats why he became a jedi, and not a sith or dark jedi.


Hey thats pretty good Tie guess I haven't been giving you any credit and I can see how you would think that so I'm not going to disagree. Especailly since at that time Luke didn't care for anyone more than he did Leia and an argument actually can be made for what your saying but my view is if you remember the failure at the cave where Luke fights and kills an image of Vader only for him to see his face under the mask which meant that he was becoming Vader by lashing out at his worse fear which was Vader. Now back to what you were saying where Vader said he would turn Leia if he will not be turned after Vader said that Luke immediatly gets up and begans to fight Vader until he cuts Vader hand off. Notice how Luke does it too with three violent strikes while Vader is down. Anyway as I said before he looks at his robotic hand then he sees that Vader has no hand and he knows that he was just using fear and hate just as he had been at the failure at the cave.


Nexsis, no need to tell me Im off topic and that this has nothing to do with Vader and Maul because I'm though with that argument because I'm tired of your half-qoutes and the saying's that "Maul boys"already proved (insert topic) to "Vader boys" when they never did. Its like when your playing a football game with some people and you beat them and they go running off saying that they won. I dont need to be taunted by that childish mannerism.

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Nexsis, you say you want intelligent answers, but when people try to give them, you just trash them and their arguments! Cut some slack, man, and be a little more courteous."


First off bro, its not NEXSIS. That is my guild name. My name is Tirion....


Second off... WTF you babbling about? You double posted and create this post as if I responded blasting somebody in which I never did. You seeing things bro?


isthisfor_real: Thank you. I will take that as a win for my case. =)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by isthisfor_real

Anyway as I said before he looks at his robotic hand then he sees that Vader has no hand and he knows that he was just using fear and hate just as he had been at the failure at the cave.


I would disagree with you there. A violent attack filled with anger like that would have turned Luke in an instant. However, an attack filled with love, and powered by the force can be even more effective, as is demostrated by Luke's fighting. Remember that Yoda said the Light Side is stronger. Notice how when Luke is filled with anger in his first round verses Vader. He sees the fleet and his friends being killed, and filled with anger, so he pulls his saber to himself and attacks. However, all of his anger cannot defeat Vader, he only looses the battle and has to hide. Then, in the second round, powered by love, he pummels Vader under his powerfull strokes. Love won out in the end, the light side proved stronger, the good prevailed. That is the point of star wars, good over evil, if you missed that then you have missed the essence of Star Wars.


When he sees his mechanical hand, and then turns to Vader, he remembers his last fight, and the defeat he suffered. He looks back on the battle and realizes that it was not anger, but love, the light side, that brought him victory. At that moment, he becomes a jedi. He survives the trials, he defeats Vader and does it through love. He says on light side, yet he destroys

Vader, proving that good is indeed stronger than evil.

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