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The Ulimate Duel: Vader vs Maul: Who wins?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest isthisfor_real

Nexsis why are you getting mad at double post when you have one on page six geez. I bet he probaly calls you nexsis as I do because you already flamed me once for spelling *goes to look up his name ah yes here it is* Tirion wrong! There you go again with the childish mannerisms again saying "I proved you wrong I win." Are you here to win or prove your points of why Maul would win? If I help get any new knowledge for you that makes you understand Vader's power more then I know why I'am here. I am not here to "win" and I give you the respect to not say "I won!". To me you haven't won anything I'm just tired of your misquotings and your telling me that you already explained everything. I know I haven't lose anything because I had a good debate going with you at least till when you started the childish mannerisms, well it was good while it lasted.


Hmm this sounds like a rant.....damn well I tried to organize it.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Actually I give the credit to Palpatine, not Vader.


You give credit to Palpatine but did he go and actually kill the Jedi? NO Vader did. It says so in the movies. I beleive in ANH. Listen Obi says Vader killed the Jedi, not the Emperor.


He was? When was this? Far as I knew he killed Qui-Gon and beat Obi Wan. Obi Wan just simply killed Maul while he was gloating. If Maul was serious, he would have simply force pushed him down the generator. You cant deny that


Well lets see there were 2 Jedi fighting him. Would you rather me say he was defeated by one Jedi? Look at the movie, Maul is careless and seems to like to twirl his staff around to make it look good. Also if you say Maul was a master then give credit where credit is due. Obi-wan was not a master was basically a new Knight. So why is it that Obi-wan kills a supposed master of the sith? Because Maul wasn't a master.



FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVE MAUL SOME CREDIT!! That is the problem with you Vader boys. You NEVER give him credit!! Holding his own?? Dude, he killed Qui-Gon, a Jedi Master!! Thats holding his own? He beat Obi-Wan! Thats holding his own? He fought TWO JEDI at the SAME TIME! That is holding his own??


Have you actually watched TMP? Maul had many open chances to kill either Quigon or Obi wan if he did it properly. Also for most of the battle it is only one of the attacking at a time. You rarly see both going at Maul the same time. Also if Maul was so good, like you say, he should have struck down Qui-gon in his first battle. Instead he missed his chance. How exactly did he beat Obi-wan? He didn't kill him like he intended. and last I looked Obi-wan killed him. Further more, Maul if your correct gloated (seemed a little upset that he failed killing obi wan with his push.) This shows bad control. You don't gloat until after final victory, Mual did this before.


Purposely goes down... good grief. What movie where you watching??? Luke pummeled him because he let himself be filled with hate and his saber attacks were vicious driving Vader down before eventualy lopping off his hand. "purposely goes down".. good grief.


Pay very close attention. Vader grips the railing when Luke is not on top of him. Vader is extremly powerful do you really think he would let his son beat him so easily with out a purpose? Vader wanted Luke to turn to the dark side hence the statment about finding his sister. Now Vader doesn't want to die, this is obvious but he wants Luke to follow his path. Best option let Luke hurt Vader out of anger. Watch the movie, you will notice Vader going down on his own.



Wrong again buddy. He was a Master in actuality. He only remained an "apprentice" in status, not ability. He was loyal to Palpatine, unlike Vader...


Where in the movie does it say Maul is a master? It doesn't. Books cannot be trusted as they are not Canon. Mual is an apprentice whether or not you like it.



Dude, you are making me really laugh now at your reasoning. Please refer to my reply up top about "Maul holding his own".


First off I have experience using a sword. Do you? Like I have said before a staff will be able to beat a sword anyday, If used properly. Your making me disgusted.



I find your lack of faith disturbing. Actually, your conclusion is based off falsafied reasoning and a LACK of respect of Maul. You just proved it to me by reading your post


Besides just saying I was wrong where do you show evidence to say I was wrong?



Thats funny, looked to me that some of your reasoning was being based on 2 movies that are not even out yet by saying Vader destroyed all the Jedi and he gets credit for that


My reasoning comes from when Obiwan says Vader killed the Jedi. THat is how.


And you were wondering why I roll my eyes and wanted to close this topic??


And you wonder why you come off as an someone who won't accept others opions.


YOu asked me to post my reasons. So far all I have seen is you saying I'm wronge but not really telling me where. Where is their proof in the Movies that Mual is a master but just called an apprentice? Where does it say Palpatine killed the Jedi and not the?


If it is from a book then it can't be considered true. You know why? it isn't canon. TMP showed a careless, Maul how should have been able to kill either both of the Jedi with easy, but did he? no. Give Vader credit.


ON the side this is the last time I'll post for this thread because I believe you will never accept my opion becuase it doesn't agree with yours.

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Guest Lord Tirion

First off, I did not flame anybody in this thread. If you feel you were flamed then you need a pyschiatrist to address yoru paranoia problem.


Secondly, Odin, I dont even have the heart to tell you I did not read your entire post after reading your first part of it because quite simply without being rude, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to this topic. Everybody knows I proved my case well and you just cant admit defeat and accept the fact that your responses were lame and ill-thoughtout. If you cant understand that now, then there is no reason at all to respond to you any further. Atleast the other guys had the manhood to admit there were wrong on issues. You however do not and just keep up the same monontonous replies.

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Guest Lord Tirion

This thread has been beaten to death and lets just end it. Both cases were discussed and its over. You are just rehasing the same things over and over and over.... its boring now.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I haven't read the entire thread so I don't know. Secondly I never said you were flamming me. Thirdlyl you made me break what I said and not post this.


All I asked was, for evidence form the movies. You say I don't know what I'm talking about? In the movies it clearly says Vader killed the Jedi. I told you what movie I found it form. Like I've said you don't want to accept my opion. Also If you proved me wrong I would say so, but I haven't seen teh evidence. Finally you said at least they had the manhood to admit defeat. I have the manhood to stick with what I have believed. All I asked form was evidence from the movies. (that is canon and I'll only accept that).


You think Maul would win that could happen. Vader Could win. I think Vader has the advantage, where as you don't. and maybe if you did read my entire post you would see why. Face it all of this is open to interpetation. There can be no right or wrong with this. IF you fail to see that then you need help.

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Guest isthisfor_real

Bah, you doubled posted again in a hurry to get post count somewhere because this double post was only 2 minutes apart.

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Guest Darth G

Well, i know that vader is the one that hunted down all the remaining Jedi...


But if u noticed, it's the Emperor/Darth Sidious that planned and strategize it all.


All Maul, Vader and Tyranus are, are just tools for the Emperor's bidding...


In other words, they would be nothing without the master... if Maul wasn't killed, he would the one who hunts the Jedi instead of Vader.


Vader is merely a replacement for Maul existance.


Another reason why Maul would win would be becos he had the most dark side/sith training...


He was the first apperentice of Sidious, meaning that Sidious trained him the most... the others were trained with just too little time as compared with Maul.


Another thing, if u notice that most of the Jedi training is passive... ie, weaker than the sith. Meaning that Vader/Anakin wasted his early years learning how to control, control that instead of just unleasing fear, agressiveness, hate, anger and evil in his training... unlike wat Maul had...


So my stand is that Maul rocks!

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Guest Lord Tirion

"Secondly I never said you were flamming me."


Who said I was referring to you? If you noticed, I did not put Odin in front of it. I was talking to the other dude above you.


"All I asked was, for evidence form the movies. You say I don't know what I'm talking about?"


You said your part and I ripped those theories apart with FACTS. Did you once say, gee, Tirion, you have a point there or I am sorry. No, you just went right on ignoring what I had to say. That to me ends a debate because I no longer want to chat with anybody who is unwilling to see the truth.


And as for your opinions, that was fine. I showed you why some of them were wrong. But you failed to listen. I mean come on, Vader taking a dive? That was the type of reasoning that made me laugh and not take your debate serious. Big difference there.


"You think Maul would win that could happen. Vader Could win. "


Could very well be. Like I said, we would have to wait to see ep 2 and 3 to really see how strong Vader was. My point was out of the films we DID see, Maul would win hands down.


"IF you fail to see that then you need help."


Sorry bud, I saw that a long time ago. But opinions only go so far when you reach the point of obsurd opinions such as Vader taking a dive or Maul could "only" hold his own.




"Bah, you doubled posted again in a hurry to get post count somewhere because this double post was only 2 minutes apart."


What is it with you with these double post comments?? I made one coment about some pschitzofranic poster who congrats me in one post then a few secons later double posts and comdemns me. So now I make 2 posts after seeing another reply that happend to coincide and you have to make a comment about it every time? Is this how low you stooped now since I have critiqued your posts showing why your theories didnt fly? I mean come on dude. I gave you respect for some of your replies but now you are losing it.

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Guest generalViper

This is pretty said (viper calls for mods) Hey mods what is this he is spaming and flaming isn't this how I got banned, calls for banning just to teach tirion a lesson, hey he wants to change his name anyway just take back all those posts like u have done to me I would have atleast 1000 posts but I am honest by saying that 88% of those were spamming, but lately even mods have to agree I have been better about spamming and about my in your face attidude thats just who i am.Now back to the topic you are exsactly right darth g iit was the emperor/darth sidious/palpatine its amazing how he can munipulate all sides of his life,the emperor is the bomb

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ok first off VADER has advantage more experience and ever notice darth sidious "i am sending my APPRENTICE darth maul"





btw for once i agree with viper that if tirion wants to change his name just ban him then he can come back and start over but 500 posts is alot to lose so i recomend re thinking your name change


and viper u wouldnt have 1000 posts i was here longer and i still dont have it and u dont post all that much here i do when i have time so no 1000 for you




:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest isthisfor_real

Nexsis you never gave anyone any respect unless it was someone with a Maul opinion even if it didn't make any kind of sence. The only time I ever seen you respecting anyone else was when I say I respect something and you would say look I respect that. What is respecting someone elses respect? Respect me not the respect I give you.


You wanted a debate on this and you got one and you couldn't handle it you went on hotheaded streak saying that you explained it to everyone just look above and you know what? I always did look above until I knew it was more bsing. I have read every post here though I do know memorize everyone I know all the topics which we have been discussing.


Nexsis if you can't handle not double posting then don't tell others not to do it! If anyone else did it I would not have cared unless they told someone else not to do it and if you would look up at some of my first post on this topic you can see I edited my post to add what I wanted.

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Guest Lord Tirion

isthis whatever:


Well, since you aimed that thread at 'Nexsis", I did not even bother to read it. You must be referring to somebody else because that is not my name.


Viper, no, I never once flamed or spammed. But I guess now I will flame for my first time in a long time.... You are a complete idiot. You have no idea what a flame is and you do it all the time. I never once called anybody a name or cursed at them. I gave my opinions. My opinions were hard but not once did I call anybody a name. So learn what a word is before throwing it around. I am shocked. Flame is one syllable. I was sure you would know what that would mean... Guess not. Welcome to the world of Viper, the man who gets banned just as much as he chickens out from games.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

Nexis, sorry I misread that part of your post. (see I do admit when I'm wrong)


Soor Odin buty i have to do this....




Soory :D



Anyways, can we get back on topic, and stop being all deisrespectfull and all. Neither of you really can call the other wrong, since you are both not doing what is right. Up until just a few posts ago, everything was fine. I've had a great time with this thread, but now it isn't any good anymore. So, lets get back on topic, or, if we've already said everything that can be said, let's end the discussion. Thanks.


BTW, double posting is not just something that Tirion doesn't like, but it is actually against forum rules to do it, so don't.

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Guest Admiral Odin

but I did put: TIRION in my last post. Others haven't but I have.




I know the use of an edit button ;) and your right I think the discussion is over.

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Guest isthisfor_real

Man your stubborn aren't you tirion ?


Ok tirion you never gave anyone any respect unless it was someone with a Maul opinion even if it didn't make any kind of sence. The only time I ever seen you respecting anyone else was when I say I respect something and you would say look I respect that. What is respecting someone elses respect? Respect me not the respect I give you.


You wanted a debate on this and you got one and you couldn't handle it you went on hotheaded streak saying that you explained it to everyone just look above and you know what? I always did look above until I knew it was more bsing. I have read every post here though I do know memorize everyone I know all the topics which we have been discussing.


Tirion if you can't handle not double posting then don't tell others not to do it! If anyone else did it I would not have cared unless they told someone else not to do it and if you would look up at some of my first post on this topic you can see I edited my post to add what I wanted. Does this sound familar to you I bet it does:) and dont get mad you mad me do it


Tie guy if tirion doesn't like double post then why does he do it. Worrying with his post count I would say. You don't double post and tell someone else not to do it then you go and do it again!

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Guest Lord Tirion

Aw dude quite your whining. You are boring us now. Just because all your theories were shot to hell by Tie Guy and myself, you resort to this whining now and flaming? And wasnt it YOU who told me to come back after I said I was done with this debate only for you to whine about it??? Dude, give it a rest and end this post. Nobody cares anymore.

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Guest isthisfor_real

Ah another 15 year old acting......15. I dont like being insulted by someone who can't yet leave his house without his mother's permission really I dont need that. Im really glad you explained everything to me *snickers* I *snickers and goes laugh my head off because nexis thinks he proved points to me and everyone else*

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dude are u dissin 15 yr olds i dont think that would be suck a good idea man i know 15 yr olds who are smarter, more inteligent ,and know how to use the forum well enough to get an AVATAR


btw im only 13 and i add my opinions to this forum as well as anybody and my opinion on this topic is that part of the whole point of the net is to have friends beyond arrearance,age, money

and only focus on intelligence and whats inside




(would some of you please read my whole post please)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by isthisfor_real

Tie guy if tirion doesn't like double post then why does he do it. Worrying with his post count I would say. You don't double post and tell someone else not to do it then you go and do it again!


I'm not saying that either of you can do it, coz neither of you can. Tirion just mentioned it early in theis thread.


BTW, i'm 15, and you don't see me doing any of that stuff you talked about. Maybe you should watch your mouth before you make such rash generalizations. Oh, and the way you are acting doesn't make you look much older than 15 yourself.


So, if we can finally stop all of this then none of this will happen anymore. There is not point to all this bickering, if you have a personal problem with someone, you can PM them.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Thanks Jedi_Masta and Tie Guy. You just saved me a post. I guess he just showed his true colors. He whines about somebody flaming when they never did, but he goes right ahead and literally does it.


Lets just end this topic. Its been beaten to death a 100x.

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