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Engine of Monkey Island Special Edition


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Out of curiosity. How work at once both versions? I mean, you can switch beetwen versions in real time by pressing F10. But how it works? Both versions are working at the same time.

I don`t know. Both of them are using the same scripting from scumm and the new version maps pixels references to get to new resolution? And for the new inventory the same?

There is any documentation or video, kind of making of explaining that?


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You may be interested in this. This was more about DOTT, but DOTT very likely reused the ideas behind the Monkey Island special editions:



and then the slides: http://www.p1xelcoder.com/resources/GDC_2017_Remastering_DotT_and_Grim.pdf


And then there's also:



and its slides: http://www.p1xelcoder.com/resources/Reboot_2016_From_Monkey_Island_to_Broken_Age.pdf

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