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my grim fandango 2 script


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in short: you see a guy sitting in the dark of the office room, a guy with a black robe enters the room and says: mr calavera, i will see you know, the sitting figure looks up, he does look similar to manny, but he is not. after the usual chat of what he deserves, he gets the walking stick, for he have been very bad in his life time, then starts the game play, the figure looks in the door of an old office across the hall.

a very old dusty signs lies there, he cleans it to see what it says in the signs,

he reveals a "Mannuel Calavera" he steps back... my fathers name was mannuel!!


so he learns where his father went, and goes to seek him but anothes guy dies and lands in the land of the dead, a very dangerous mafia boss, seeking for calavera juniour, about something that happened when they where allive. bla bla bla bla, puzzles, blal bla bla. somtime after he traveles in a desert. he is then chased by small demons, who in the end capture him and lead him to their king, young calavera i dragged with the face on the floor and hears a roaring voice asks, who disturbs my kingdom!?

calavera answers: miguel(or whatever other first name) calavera. then the roaring voice says: Calavera!!?? the camera goes up and you see glottis in mayan kings clothings,


bla bla bla bla" you learn in the during of the game why manny died and stuff"

and in the end he has to battle with the mafia guy who caught him, and the rest is up to LA,


well im sorry if some of it is not understood or just stupid, it all came to me in a dream so its not my fault

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topic, umm I had a dream a of unicorns, rainbows, majestic farries, and oh look at the little wood elvs making shoes for the kind witch in the trees. not really but it scares people whenever I talk like that hehe





"Just Don't Mention KFC"


[This message has been edited by TunaMurray (edited December 29, 2000).]

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im begining to see why u got banned, all this useless crap and double/triple/quadriple posts with gigantic sig pics.


tone it down a bit buddy.


oh and p.s. your sign is WAY too damn long, bout 900kb.




While in the shower i came up with a really good signatue, but i can't remember it anymore.


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited December 29, 2000).]

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Like, er, then...



That's the second chicken I've ever seen! What with me being a pirate and all. I don't see many chickens in my line of work.

What? Stop looking at me like that!



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about half of your posts are back to back and un-necessary, consolidate, say it all at once, or even edit your previous post and add stuff in, u can do that ya know.





While in the shower i came up with a really good signatue, but i can't remember it anymore.

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