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Empire unique unit

Guest WC_heavyarms

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Guest WC_heavyarms

Does anyone else besides me think that dark troops shouldn't be the unique unit. Why not move the at-at's or even a star destroyer. anyone got an opinion?

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Com Raven

Stardestroyers because a capital ship would be quite something to handle in a planets atmosphere, plus think of size ...;)


Give me a break. That would totally ruin the balance of the game

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Guest Tie Guy

I think it would be cool if they had the TIE Crawler or the Tank Droid. Those would keep in the Empire mech theme.



But, the Dark Trooper is fine, they are cool.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

You cant complain now... The art is locked. Just hope for an expansion pack with upgraded unit feautres and new units and animations. :D

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darktroopers are very cool. i have some concept art work here at home on them and they look so cool. also i dont know how many of u have played star wars supremacy, but if ur the empire u know how important those darktroopers r. they can beat any unit in that game. plus they look good so im not ccomplainin and i surgest the same to any other imperial because they rock....:dtrooper:

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Guest WC_heavyarms

OK i never said they sucked, but shouldn't they at least not stand there pumping their weapons? Shouldn't they be standing at "attention?"

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Guest Maul403

lol it is weird how they just stand there and "pump" their guns but it looks cool when they are shooting...they pump after every shot


stand at attention all the time? uh no...u know how hard that would be?

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it sais in some books and manuals that the darktrooper is a stormtrooper who has a limited control of the force thus makin em harder and better. they aint robots............at least not in these books and games.......

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Guest DarkTrooper

yeah darktroopers rock hence my name. but also because i played a match last night where i had about 10-15 darktroopers and the destroyed this guys base with the help of some jedi knights

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by cossack1812

A question about Dark Troopers, in Dark Forces it says they are robots, but in all the other games it says their specially trained troopers. Which one are they?




Ahh, let me tell you the story of th Dark Trooper...


General Mahc, a weapons engineer designed the Dark Trooper. There were 3 phases to developement and production. Phase I troopers were robitic, and lacked the armour that you see in the game. It was basically the "skeleton" of the dark trooper. It had no blaster, only a large spike of sorts that it could swing. These models were never truly meant for combat.


Phase II troopers had the armour and blaster, but were still droid controlled. They were equiped with the dark trooper weapon, which was a powerful blaster that could still do quite some damage.


Phase III troopers were the fiunal evolution of Dark Troopers. They were a suit which a an could occupy that would significanly increase the armour and power of a single soldier. They had very thick armour plating, and a powerfull blaster that included a miniature missle launcher. They also came with a jetpack. Sadly, only one was ever made, and was piloted by Mahc himself. Kyle Katarn finally destroyed the man and the suit after looking for him for quite some time.


Thus, there are no Dark Troopers left, the inventor went down with his only suit, and the laboratory where they were manufactured was destroyed, along with the "Arc Hammer."

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Guest crazy_dog

U can't change the art now. The game's nearly finished!


Oh, well, the darktrooper is a good choice for a unique unit. An EU unit might put off some of the fans who only watch the films, not die-hard people like in this forum.;)

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