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Tirion's Question III: What was your intepretation of the Dagobah Cave Trial in ESB?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Tie Guy

I always thought that the reason he saw Vader was a foreshadowing of him finding out that Vader is his father, and that when he confronts him, it will, be him that becomes the next Vader. However, "the future is always in motion" as yoda tells us, and Luke doesn't became a sith, although he almost did.


Another way to interpret it is that it showed his eagerness to face Vader, and the image was a projection of his own fear. This can be combined with the dark presence of two dead dark jedi in the cave to create the illusion. It foreshadows his confrontation/s with Vader in showing his earnest to face Vader because it tells us that he will face him perhaps too soon.


All this comes from a guy who knows what happens, and a first time viewer pick up on it like this, but it still couldbe possible. I'm alos not sure Lucas meant it this way, and i'm not sure he was planning on the huge fann base and over-examined nature of the star wars universe. I think he was just creating a cool trilogy.

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u know im not really sure lucas understands it all either


there have been so many books and stuff to twist the whole star wars thing im not really sure he knows it all anymore



but i think it was luke seeing his own impatience and anger and kinda letting us know how vader became the way he is with impatience and anger







btw i got a question do u guys really think vader was a sith or just a tainted jedi



because vader wasnt totally bad:)

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Luke had to be brought face-to-face with his own impatience and anger.. that's what he brought with him in the cave. It's also telling that he was the one striking first there..

And it was a warning that that anger would lead to him being another Darth Vader..


My interpretation exactly....The one I thought was wierd was the Mara Jade vision...I know why, but still....:)

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