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article about HT's story! And BIG WHOOP

Guest Guybrush112

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Guest Guybrush112

heh, interesting theory on HT down at the world of monkey island, here it is:


When Herman Toothrot tells the story of his past, he says that during a boat race, Ozzie Mandrill pushes him into a whirlpool. However, in The Curse of Monkey Island LeChuck says HE pushed him into the whirlpool and LeChuck couldn't have been working for Ozzie Mandrill at that time, since he said he met him after he dragged him out from under from the mountain of ice.


Herman says he washed up alone on the shores of Monkey Island and took the name Herman Toothrot, but if you read the Captain's log in The Secret of Monkey Island you learn that he traveled to Monkey Island on the ship "The Sea Monkey" with a friend and they bought the map from a guy in town. You also see the dead body of Herman's companion on Monkey Island. Also, if you read the Captain's log you learn that it is written by Herman's companion and he is referring to his friend as "Toothrot", which means that Herman was already named at least Toothrot before he ended up on Monkey Island.


Finally, (and this is where it gets really complicated) according to MI3 Herman was pushed into a whirl pool and left for dead. MI4 explains that Herman washed up on Monkey Island, but that must mean that he has already been there because in MI3 LeChuck tells how Captain Marley (Herman Toothrot) and his crew sailed to Monkey Island and found Big Whoop, ripped the map into four pieces, and kept one each. After that Herman got involved in the whole whirl pool thing and ended up on Monkey Island. Never once in MI3 or MI4 is "The Sea Monkey", his friend, or his voyage to Monkey Island mentioned. Also, why would he want to go back to Monkey Island in MI1 when he has already been there and found Big Whoop? Then again, according to MI3 he never did and according to MI4 he washed up on the store and didn't travel by boat.


Are you still with me?


To summarize it all up: According to The Secret of Monkey Island Herman traveled to Monkey Island on the ship "The Sea Monkey" with a friend. They bought the map to Monkey Island from a guy in town. The Curse of Monkey Island and Escape from Monkey Island states that he was pushed into a whirlpool during a boat race near Australia and then he washed up alone on Monkey Island. MI3 says LeChuck pushed him into the whirlpool while MI4 says it was Ozzie Mandrill.


LeChuck was lying about killing Elaine's father, as Ozzie will say in MI4. MI3 also never states that Elaine's grandfather is dead, just the LeChuck believes him to be dead. LeChuck wouldn't need to know Ozzie to tell the lie about killing HT. Anybody who'd read the Big Whoop book in MI2 would know that HT had mysteriously disappeared during the America's Cup race in a whirlpool.


Watch the cutscene again and pay attention. You will see that after the whirlpool incident, Herman does NOT wash ashore alone on Monkey Island. What happens is that he washes ashore on Melee Island with amnesia and so bedraggled that none recognizes them. He hears about the treasures of Monkey Island and he and his friend decide to sail off and find them.


Of course Toothrot was called Toothrot before he went to Monkey Island... he gave himself the name after washing up on Melee Island after the yachting accident, not when he arrived for the second time on Monkey Island.


Why did he return to find the secret of Monkey Island when he'd already found Big Whoop? Because he had forgotten he'd found it due to the amnesia.


In his flashback in MI4, Herman does arrive on Monkey Island by boat. It's Melee Island where he washes ashore, this doesn't contradict the Sea Monkey episode.


whadda you think guys?




The Sea Cucumber!


[This message has been edited by Guybrush112 (edited July 09, 2001).]

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Confusing, makes sense, could be possible... hey can someone do a screen shot for me of when Herman washes ashore after the whirlpool? I'd do it but my cousin has the CD so I can't go and replay the game so I can have a lookie smile.gif I'm curious now






Natty- Part Of The Forums Against Oil Filters

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its hard to get that screen shot, it is very brief...but the point is HT says he was washed ashore with nothing but a busted accordian and a head full of empty memories. that means he could have washed up on melee and sailed out with his friend and then was stranded there!



"If I could only reach my pirate utillity bealt..."


[This message has been edited by Guybrush122 (edited July 10, 2001).]

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I am sorry to dissapoint you but you are mixing up Elain's Grandfather and father it is actually Elain's grandfather who was the one who found Big Woop. And was pushed and killed in the Whirlpool by LeChuck. It could be possible that LucasArts ran out of ideas so he had Elain's grandfather as well as Elain's father to be pushed in a whirlpool.


[This message has been edited by Stimpson J. Cat (edited July 13, 2001).]

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ah ha! you are right! so their theory is wrong! so, elaines father went out and found big whoop and meanwhile ozzy pushed HT into a whirlpool, then lechuck pushed elaines father into a whirlpool killing him, however HT was washed ashore melee with amnesia and set sail to find big whoop (when in fact he already knew about his son trying to find it)

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oooooooooookay... so lemme get this straight, the real Heracio is Elaine's father, while Herman is Elaine's father? OK I'm losted now confused.gif So the guy in MI1, the dead guy was Elaine's father, while Herman has and always will be Elaines grandfather? Or is it the other way around confused.gif






Natty- Part Of The Forums Against Oil Filters

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Originally posted by Guybrush122:

Herman is elaine GRANDfather and Captain Marley is Elaines father


Who the hell is Captian Marley? Like ok, he's Elaines father, but where has he been in the story?ooooooookay, silly me, better go and play EMI again, I mite have to wait awhile to get the CD off my aunty






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