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Day of the tentacle


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Anyone know where I can download Day of the Tentacle Free? I have seen it played and it looks cool. I found one place, did the full 7 meg dload and when I opened it there was only the Lucas Arts logo in this warp, then it crashed. Anyone know where I can get a copy, or do I need ot borrow the CD from my cousin?

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It's funny you made this post, I was just plying DOTT when I logged on :)


The problem with DOTT is it only works on comps with MSDOS available. Maybe you should just try to play it on another's comp.




But I can just tell you it is totally worth it!




"Has anyone ever told you you look like Donnie Osmond?" - Bernard from DOTT


"That's funny. My wife always tells me I look like the Ghost Pirate LeChuck." - Cigar Salesman from DOTT




"Hey, aren't you that Bernard kid who broke into our mansion to save your little friend?" - Nurse Edna from DOTT


"No. My Name is Threepwood." - Bernard from DOTT

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Sorry, won't download it again. Anyone know where I can buy it? I just figured that cause some games become free when they're totally outdated, and PC Gamer manages to get a hold of older games for their CDs, like half of the original Command and Conquer, and they've given away X-Con and the first Monkey Island and whatnot.

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Originally posted by hockeyfreak0888

...and PC Gamer manages to get a hold of older games for their CDs, like half of the original Command and Conquer, and they've given away X-Con and the first Monkey Island and whatnot.

But they pay for the privilege. The games aren't being "given away", they're being used to tempt you to try the magazine.


If MI1 appeared as part of a compilation, you wouldn't assume it was being "given away" as a free gift with the others, would you?


Anyway, sorry to nag. The assumption that things somehow become completely free once they've been sold alongside something as a "free gift" just happens to annoy me. ;)

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I believe that Windows comes with a boot up disk that has a bunch of drivers for different CD thingies or something. I'm not sure exactly, but you know how when you install windows, you have to have CD access, right? So there should be a boot-up disk that allows you acces to the CD drive through DOS. If there is, then use that.

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