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A New Type of Game? Or, Simply An Imitation?


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I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought JK had bad gameplay. I agree it is some of the best around.


I realize I worded it quite wrong. The majority of FPSers play Quake 3 or Unreal deathmatch. JK requires different skills other than running around and shooting(e.g the Force and the saber). I just meant that most people prefer the latter. However I hope the JK2 community turns out just as big. ;)

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:

<STRONG>I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought JK had bad gameplay. I agree it is some of the best around.


I realize I worded it quite wrong.</STRONG>


Hey, no problem. Just getting tetchy in my old age. :D


<STRONG>However I hope the JK2 community turns out just as big. ;)</STRONG>


Me too. ;)

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Also, I do recall Dark Forces I being the first 3d shooter game to incorperate the "JUMP" action. How do you like that for innovation? I believe that because of that the levels in JK were made with it in mind therefore making certain jumps that could be made by strafe running and jump but not by running and jumping alone. i.e. the famous cliff jump where newbies plunder to their deaths. hehehehe :D


[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: Bart-=[JCS]=- ]

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He's become one with the force. I think the Ghoul2 tech can make a game "revolutionary" if used right. Heh all im really expecting is a decent story, maybe some player made decisions to add an rpg element like resident evil 3, hehe big sith guy smashing through walls! :D Since they said the AI will be revolutionary (in previews) the only other thing i'd say would make jk2 revolutionary would be multiplayer tactics, options (maybe also custom/choosen saber hilts?), and multiplayer modes. Extract data from the imperial base type gameplay, heh kinda like a flag that takes several seconds to achieve that would definitly require teamwork ;)


[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: Tap[RR] ]

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