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Jedi Outcast voiceover and soundtrack Petition


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Well, there are many ways to produce a "new" soundtrack: composing entirely new from the start, mixing different tracks together(like LEC have already done with JK & MotS) or doing them both(like in Shadows of the Empire). I personally would like to hear those old midi themes from Dark Forces again after they have been rescored with a symphony orchestra and then compiled with mixed tracks from the movies... Besides, after TPM there is even more cues to choose from, so I think JK2 will have much more dynamic soundtrack(if done right) than its predecessors :)

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Obviously they will use John Williams score, but how is a different question.


Soldier of Fortune 2 is supposed to have a music system that reacts to whats happening in the environment. I hope Raven does the same with JKO or at least does the same thing as in JK1 where they rehash the old tracks together. Whoever mixed them did a good job. Of course I have heard all of the sounds before, but they mixed them in a way to make them sound completley new.


I also doubt they will use music from TPM or the upcoming AOTC because it takes place during the original trilogy(or after actually). But still, especially since Skywalker will be a part of the game.


Did I hear somewhere that Mark Hamill will do the voice for Luke in JKO?


I also hope that at some point in the game we have some interaction with Mara, Han, Leia, Chewie,etc. That is one thing that I really wanted in the original JK

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Actually, LucasArts have already mixed cues from original trilogy and TPM in some newer games: Racer, TPM, Force Commander... It just makes the game musically rich, when they don't have to be too precise with boundaries drawn by actual movies. Besides, music is mostly action oriented in these games and it doesn't have to include themes of major characters except if they are taking part in the action.

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First of all I own TPM for PC and I can assure you, it does not mix old trilogy and music from TPM. It is stictly TPM. Somehow I think the same of Episode 1 Racer.. And Force Commander, well TPM wasn't even out then!


Anyway, I agree it shouldnt matter, it's all Star Wars. Unfortunatley, Lucasarts probably does not. If I had it my way, I would use bits from all including the upcoming AOTC soundtrack for JKO, even though JKO will prolly come out b4 AOTC.


Music will definatley play a prominent role in this game for me.

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I think what Jedi Knight 2 needs, is some good old AFI. Nothing else captures the conflict between good and evil like some Davey Havok lyrics. But really, I think the soundtrack in JK was good. It would just be cooler if it would play the quiet parts when you are walking around in an alley or forest and then play the dramatic part when an enemy opens fire or busts out his lightsaber. That would be cool. ;)

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Guest Kurgan

You can look it up on IMDB. Actually the guy doing the voice in MotS for Kyle is not Jason Court (of JK), but instead the guy who used to do the voice of Tuxedo Mask (from Sailor Moon), and I only know that because that's where I read it. ; )



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Rino Romano did Kyle's voice in MotS AND in Force Commander they used cue from TPM, where Queen and Jedis arrive to Coruscant. Racer then again took cues for example from ESB, but they can only be heard during cutscenes... Remember that when score is recorded for a new SW movie(before it premiers), LucasArts has almost immediately access to it, right?


[ September 01, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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OK, I might have been wrong with TPM game(there was no original trilogy music used in it, except John Williams' new variations from some older themes), BUT Peter McConnell have made few own edits here and there, so that cues fit better together and move fluently to next piece. However, they have been done so subtly, that you can't easily make difference between them and the actual music composed by John Williams himself when hearing them first time...


[ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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I have been thinking, if LEC integrated goold old iMuse Music System as part of Jedi Outcast, it would eliminate a need of mixed cd tracks(like the ones used in JK & MotS), which were getting too repetitive anyway, and change music depenging on what you are doing. I don't know, how hard it's to take cues from John Williams' original scores and make a kind of music base out of them to be used with iMuse, but after Michael Land, Clint Bajakian and Peter McConnell perfected use of this system in such games like The Dig, Monkey Island 3 & 4, Grim Fandango and The Phantom Menace, I'm sure they are right people for the job. OR then Raven's own music system mentioned earlier. :D


[ September 06, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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  • 4 weeks later...

It has been quiet, but the petition sure isn't dead, because this is best time for it: LEC and Raven are still working with the game itself. I wish JediKnightII.net would finally post news about this on their site, but somehow after all those emails that I have sent to them... hmmm...


[ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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I petition to stop this petition. The actors in all of the jk games have been horrible to the point of me not giving a hoot about who plays them as long as they have some talent.


But if I was to pick who played kyle I would choose...Ice-T werd!

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The petition only represents the people who signed it. At least this way LEC/Raven will see that there are some people who wish to have the old actors back for voice-overs/cutscenes.


But the decision is up to them, and the feasibility of getting those actors back in the budget/time constraint. If they had other plans, then there's not alot we can do, but at least they know that view exists.



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To be honest LordFinn. I think a petition is a little over the top and sounds a little unfriendly.


RAVEN read all the threads and therefore your concern has probably been noted. Also, IMHO the "petition" is not the opinion of the majority of the people at JKII.net



Basically what I'm trying to say is don't rock the boat. I mean that in a nice way so take no offence.




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Wardz, you are actually the first one who have said that it's somehow unfriendly... :eek: That wasn't my intention. Of course I have to admit that everybody has their own oppinions, which is why I would like to hear them: people can leave their own ideas to the comment section(perhaps even take those original ideas much further), when they have signed the petition or just talk about it over here. Either way we give Raven/LucasArts something to consider about now, where they are still developing the game. ;) I know they are doing wonderful job!


[ September 30, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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I want the old Actors backt...in fact we need them to feel more...like Home again ..in the game universe.


It will feel like an old friend is visiting you , after a bunch of years, again


If we cant get the movies like in JK...then a voicover at least.#

That would be such as cool.... :rolleyes:

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