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Jedi Knight 2. net won't work!!!

Tre Lightshadow

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I have the same problem in my job's computer (not at home), and I came to this solution:


make a simple html file anywhere you like with notepad, make a link to the main jk2.net page, open it with your browser and with the right mouse button choose "save target as..." and save the home page to the disk. Drag and drop it to the browser and voila! At least you can read it :)


It's strange, I tried to enable and disable the security settings (and javascript etc) but to no avail... still puzzles me what can be the cause... someone?


*EDIT: spelling :D


[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: Magnum ]

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill:

<STRONG>hmm, i seem to get strange things when i try to view it in netscape, but other thatn that, no terrible problems as of late...</STRONG>


Same exact thing, i was thinking it was the new layout (viewed it with netscape, and it was all weird and outta place) heh netscape is the reason im able to post! Please fix this :( i hate using **shudder** netscape.

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