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Orginal Music in DF3....


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This was somthing clearly lacking in Dark forces 2, it used stock music from the music, no orginal tunes that i remeber tho my cds havn't been able to play and redbook audio offem for a yr now, includin my mots one, there all scratched to death after several yrs of use... anyway DF1 had a good orginal Starwars music score, that and Tiefighter i always thought of as the best music outa any starwars games, and they were all composed outa MIDI, heh infact theysounded even cooler if u din't have a Wavetable synth card, tho they sound jus fine with wavetable too, esp the on the Soundblaster Awe and Live cards, nothin beats a 32mb GM soundfont, unless its a 128mb GM SF :D

<embed src="http://www.angelfire.com/sk2/Red/midi/welcome.mid" autostart="true" loop="999" hidden="true">

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I really liked the music in JK, mainly because it was the proper star wars music. I dont really mind if they use the original music from star wars, or make up their own, because as we saw from Elite Force, when they make their own music it rules. Actually, i hope they make their own music. That way it will be star wars type music, but will also suit the atmosphere of the level being played.

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XvT music??? that was the most unorginal Starwars music in SW game, is riped direct from movie, heh XvT is what got me into MP games.... anyway thiers some DF music (intro) playin in background :D, ya mean Xwing Alliance?


[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Red_XIIII ]

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Actually, both JK and MotS used mixed tracks from the movies and even though John Williams composed them originally, they got a little bit too repetitive after hearing them too often(I wish they would use good old iMuse sound system instead). That is one of the original reasons why there is a petition that tries to encourage LucasArts/Raven to create a new soundtrack especially for JK2. ;)

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:

<STRONG>I was referring to the quality of the music.


Midi sounds so cheesy.</STRONG>

lol right, u must be usin a crap sound card then, and if ure usin a live, ya nvr messed with the soundfonts and its prob stuck on a crapy 2mb gm SF, course they sound crappy if u dont got a good card with a large wavetable font.

I currently use a 128mb gm soundfont

if u got a live or awe I'd reccomend tryin a larger soundfont from here http://thesoundsite.ismi.net/

a good quailty soundfont sounds jus as good as anything u can squeeze into a 44khz 16bit wave file. course midi synth lacks anyvoices, but its small file size easily makes up for that. dont call midi crap cause it jus ain't.

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MIDI is okay, I suppose. But with MP3 and other audio compression standards there's no longer any reason not to have a properly recorded soundtrack. Also, for those with older or less standard sound cards, they should at least be able to play MP3 with the appropriate decompressor built into the game, rather than relying simply on the hardware.


To be honest, I wish they would hire a proper orchestra and choir (like Appeal did when they made Outcast), and thrash out a new soundtrack. (I thought the original Outcast's soundtrack was awesome.) I think it would be cool if you could have that deep male voice choir effect when encountering the Dark Side, for example.


John Williams did something new for TPM (Duel of the Fates being the most memorable for me), and I think Kyle Katarn and the other characters from DF/JK really deserve their own signature tunes that can be used as a refrain and theme throughout the score.


And, of course, it would be good to have the music react and change according to what is happening in the game - like a faster tempo for action, slower for exploration etc., and a smooth transition between as you encounter the next batch of enemies.


I liked both DF's and JK's music...but I do find it a little tiring listening to the same pieces of music all of the time. Those games (and that music) have been out for a while, and I'd like a bit of a change, while remaining faithful to the Star Wars ambience.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I loved the DF music, it is in fact one of the few game soundtracks that still echoes in my head. This was largely because the MIDI music sounded so distant from the real SW music it ripped from- so much in fact that it seemed almost alien to me. If the MIDI music had been of the same quality/format in DF as it was in the JK, I would have been tired of hearing it again.


Now, we definitely need to move on; I think it is time to advance the originality of the game score by filtering out more of the original SW themes. I think connectivity to the original music is important, but I'm all for leaving in juuust enough of the original SW tunes for us to detect some genuine SW flavor.


For the vast majority of the rest of JK2 then, you can't go wrong with powerful, passionate, suspenseful, catchy music (plus all of that other good stuff :) ).


I also agree with StormHammer, JK2 really needs something we could tentatively call "Kyle's Theme" echoing throughout the game. Long overdue.


The stronger the original music for JK2 is, the less it needs to be bailed out by the established SW themes, imo.

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Guest Krayt Tion

-Off Topic-


Well, we have plenty of options at this point.


The html might be turned off entirely after the game goes gold and we get a larger percentage of forum users messing around with it. For now, we are such small, tight-knit community that any problems that arise from it are easy to address individually. I count 2, maybe 3 people that actively mess around with the html :D


That being said, I think embedded music files can be fun and appropriate- but not always when they loop over and over. For now, you guys can reach over to that little speaker power button and give it a flick, or turn your volume down. However, if it seriously annoys enough of you guys, I will take out the looping or remove the hidden MIDI tag from Red's post altogether. Lemme know.

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

<STRONG>That being said, I think embedded music files can be fun and appropriate- but not always when they loop over and over.</STRONG>


Oh, I agree. I'm just thinking about what'd happen if it were, say, a loud and offensive .wav instead of a MIDI (thinking more about forum trolls than the regular crowd, obviously :)). There are some very constructive uses for HTML on forums, and I'd hate to see the privilege go away entirely, but... :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer:

<STRONG>I think Kyle Katarn and the other characters from DF/JK really deserve their own signature tunes that can be used as a refrain and theme throughout the score.</STRONG>


How Wagnerian... :D


<STRONG>And, of course, it would be good to have the music react and change according to what is happening in the game - like a faster tempo for action, slower for exploration etc., and a smooth transition between as you encounter the next batch of enemies.</STRONG>


I think the new version of Direct Music (ie. DirectX 8) makes some provisions for this kind of immersive soundtrack.


[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: ed_silvergun ]

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If anyone has played Half-Life you will recognize the incredible score from that game. The music would start at certain points in a level, like when Freeman was about to be ambushed, or whenever he came face to face with a boss or found a new weapon.

And the music was downright spooky at times, and sort of enhanced the events and atmosphere of whatever was going on around you to a point where you were really immersed ,unlike a lot of games.

The Jedi Knight SndTrck got very repetetive and boring when there wasn't any action.

MotS did a slightly better job. The part where you fight kyle katarn in the end had some pretty good music, but overall it was like JK.

An original score is a must.


[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: DeaD/SwiTcH ]

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