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A JK2 feature that really WORRIES me...


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Yeah, I really do hope we'll get the same customizability we got in Jedi Knight.


And also about the 1st-person sabering in JK, I also noticed that more arms come off, and not only that, but I also seemed to be able to block more shots. Very strange.

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Originally posted by Santa Claus:

...and not only that, but I also seemed to be able to block more shots. Very strange.


Well, I think that is more readily explained. In 1st person you should be better at aiming, even without the crosshair - so I found myself automatically focusing on the opponent's gun, which meant I more accurately deflected their shots.


It's actually kind of fun just standing there with Force Speed turned on, deflecting the shots from an Imperial Repeater. :D


For those who haven't tried 1st person sabering, I recommend it. ;)

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I wish everyone would consider giving 3rd person a try :). Has anyone else ever played Heretic II? 1 on 1 blading was awesome and I'm hoping Jedi KNight II will be even more fun.


Hexen II had first person sword fighting, which was great, but not as great as Heretic II. Seems like everyone is looking forward to a Hexen II meets Star Wars, while I'm looking for Heretic II meets Star Wars. I saw a guy from Heretic II ask about it in the chat, but Raven didn't give any details. But are we the only ones wanting 3rd person features? :eek::confused:

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator:

<STRONG>Cool, do u stay awake all night tying to figure this stuff out?</STRONG>



well, usually, these are discoveries that a intelligent mind picks up after using the method(in this case, using first-person with the lightsaber), and are rarely subjects of intense thought..


[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: DeathBoLT ]

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Omedarcus...just an FYI...


Heretic II is one of my favourite games, and they got the 3rd person just right. It is, in fact, my favourite 3rd person game (although RUNE is a very close second). I never got into the MP scene due to a naff net connection.


I've played JK and MotS several times, in 1st person, 3rd person, using blasters, or just the saber...or even boxing my opponents, which is fun until you die (often).


I don't think anyone here is saying they don't want to play in one perspective or another, but everyone has their preference. Now that Raven has confirmed it is possible to play in whichever perspective you like, my preference is both perspectives, and I will probably play JK2 from start to finish 3 times - 3rd person, 1st person and a mixture of the two. ;)


So for me, it already has replay value built in. :cool:


Rest assured, there are many people who like 3rd person. :)

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They just said recently you can play the entire game with either 1st OR 3rd person view. And since they also said Kyle does not have his lightsaber in the beginning of the game, that would imply that you can use 1st or 3rd person any time. I also don't see why they would restrict it...Just do like JK, lightsaber auto cam and 1st or 3rd person view.

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The only things that really worry me are that they will simply be left with the Q3 default or the JK default.


I mean I think the stuff in JK is great, top notch, and maybe it isn't "broke" and doesn't need "fixing" (and that's up to the discretion of the dev team), but I'm a bit worried that stuff that could be improved is simply left as is (from either Q3 or JK).


But then again, I just have to hope that the team gives its all and does their best, and that the gods of marketing, budget, and deadlines are gentle.


Like for example, I hope they beef up the built in server browser, the Q3 one just annoyed me. UT's was much better. And how about bringing back loading status bars? And secondary fire is great, so long as it's more than just a zoom (so far they sound like they're making sure it isn't just a default zoom for every weapon).


I'm disapointed that coop play won't be included (although that would make a great mod/expansion option), but it isn't the end of the world. It could still be a great game. This just has the potential to be so much more than "Jedi Knight 1/2b: Improved Graphics and Dedicated Servers Edition."


Good luck to the team...



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