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Zone support!


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Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>If all you want to do is chat and play, simply download Gamespy Arcade or mIRC(both of which make the Zone look like a joke).</STRONG>


It is a joke. Basically, one day the guys at Microsoft all sat down and said "hmm... how shall we conspire to piss off the world today? Buggy software? No, done that. Unfair business practices? No, done that one too. How about making everyone phone up a helpdesk with an activation code for their software? No, that's so old-hat".


The one bright spark said, "I know, I've got this idea, and it's called the Zone, and it's absolutely guaranteed to piss off everyone..."


Intrigued, Bill and the others gathered round, and thus the Zone was born...


[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: ed_silvergun ]

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Originally posted by Khan Aidan Hall:



That's like saying the U.S. is just as bad as Osama Bin Laden for retaliating. Now where's the logic in that?</STRONG>


No, not really. You see, America's strike back at the taliban was an attempt to wipe out such things from happening again. What you did was just provoke the original act to happen more often. There's a huge difference.


Now that's enough of that. Back onto talking about the zone.

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i would love to see a zonelike dedicated server based game browsing system with a built-in IM. (basically like the zone, with games hosted on dedicated servers, no sysops!, and a builtin IM akin to the old 93KB ZM [i would hope to hell that someone knows what im talking about])......


anyway, thats what i want to see.....


later losers


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Here's what I think of the matter.


Zone support would be worthless. Dedicated servers let you play with more people and lower pings. The Zone is obselete when you have server browsing in Q3.


GameSpy will have support or it, or so they say. If you go to the GameSpy listed games, Jedi Outcast is in there. Chances are, it'll bring up dedicated servers just like it would in-game. But the advantage is the IM system that you don't have in Q3. I'd go with the default server browsing and ICQ for IM.

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Dedicated servers let you play with more people and lower pings. The Zone is obselete when you have server browsing in Q3


Exactly!! Also the Zone is just a huge hassle, you have to install all this extra crap. Have other crappy programs (zone friends..LOL) running while playing on the zone. The Zone sux.


It is a breeze playing games like CS on dedicated servers. Since, for popular, games the servers are all local so you get awesome pings.

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OMG hey dark, i was MIG_Anders back in the day.


Most of you pining for ded/servs don't seem to understand community at all. You just log on and frag somthing then log off. Some of us actually maintain clans and friendships across great spans of distance and without a central place to do that it would be impossible.


Which is not to say i like the zone, i hate it, but there has to be some sort of central hub to gather at or we'll lose yet another advantage that JK had over other games.




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sigh, welcome to the forums blah blah.


JK had a very well defined community. I didn't mean keep in touch with yer clanmates, i meant keep in touch with some kid u just played by chance.


Keep in touch for years. Take darkera for instance. I haven't talked to dark in like 2 and a half years at least, since i left kali for the zone. but I know where to find him, and i know where he plays if i wanted to. Using icq to keep in touch with like 10 or 15 of yer clanmates as opposed to me using zf to keep in touch with about [counts nicks in zf list] 158 top rate players, is rather ridiculous.


+i can tell when those folks are in a game, who they're in a game with, i can keep track of how often they're online, and what they tend to play.


This helps for recruitment for one. It helps to direct your attention to the best players in the community if yer trying to get better and learn, it gives you access to the 270 people in nar so that you can ask them questions about JK related shiznat.


All the zone is, is an advanced server browser with an integrated chat/im system. What people don't like about it, is that its run by microcock, its down all the time, they enforce ridiculous rules while doing nothing about cheaters and the like, and it doesn't ship with the game so its a really annoying 15 min dl on a 56k just so you can play a game.


I wouldn't mind operating out of mirc, which is about what I do now, but im not going to be a fool and claim that the zone has no merit. It's kept JK alive for a long time because it presents people with a very cohesive community to draw from play in.




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trying to integrate irc into a game is a pathetic attempt to try to create a im/chat environment. granted, the games hosted by the zone were plagued with lag problems, but had the games been hosted on dedicated servers and had the zone "system" been hosted by a proprietary site (NOT gamespy), jk would have been much more active. JK was awesome for its multiplayer gameplay not because of its elite servers as with other newer games, but with its people network. the zone chat was, albeit laggy, a fun place to go that was integrated into the same window as your games, along with an instant messenger service. Trying to incorporate 3rd party messenger services is just plain stupid. jk2, although i am sad to say will simply be supporting server browsing, will not have the same community as jk did. simple as that. without an im/chat environment, jk2's popularity will suffer.


i know it will.


and to the fact that it wont support a zone-like environment, lets look at q3, shall we?


server browsing...


so anyway, im fine with mirc, although i would have liked to see a new game host spring up, with voluntary servers and an integrated chat/im system.




jk2 will not be as popular in the multiplayer sense that jk was...


well, thats about all i have to say about that....for now....



later losers


3p out



by the way, to clear some things up, i loved the old zone friends. it owned! (sysops are the devil; there should be flood protection built INTO the zone)


DOH! well....THAT'S all i have to say...






[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: thrEEpaGe ]

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People should have the ability to play where they want. If you want to play over the Zone, you should have that ability. If you want to play over mIRC, you should have that ability. The same goes for anything else.


Personally, I despise the Zone, it's ridiculously buggy software, it's power-hungry sysops and its lame excuse for help/tech support, but I'm all for people being able to play there. I chat on mIRC - #JediKnight - irc.enterthegame.com but do alot of my gaming on the Zone(at least I did until they upgraded the software recently and made it impossible for me to play).


Anything that you use to play JKII is going to have its ups and downs but LEC/Raven should allow us to choose which ups and downs we want to go with.


There are thousands of people who play games and each one has their own reasons for playing. Some of us like less chat and more play while others like more chat and less play. Either way, we should be able to play how we want to. Personally, I can't stand 99% of the people that play video games online and would rather avoid talking to them.


I would like to have the ability to not have to join a buggy chatroom to play a game and I will get that ability. I'm getting what I want, everyone else should get what they want as well. It's all about options...that simple. Anyone who swings one way or the other, should recognize that not everyone agrees with you and that we're all just people who want to play a game the way we want to play it, but I'll be damned if I play JKII on the Zone.

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Put it like this.....

I think all of us here at jk2.net H8 the zone BUT liek the little extras.

I think if raven are looknig at this they should definetly include chat for jk2 servers.....

Otherwise it won't be as interacting as jk and not as many tournies or popular or nay rivalry because u'd jsut get rid off ur name if u got beat.

Dedicated servers with chat, messaging and player lsits is all i want!!!


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good points threep, term and menty[react].


You'll see those 24 person rooms in the mw4 chats on the zone.


I hate the zone too, i want to see somthing new, but I agree we need those extras. They're very powerful in keeping the community together.


I don't want to have to turn to a ladder to find people to play competitively.


Kali/irc are my choice of poison, but if raven can think up somthing better, maybe run by their loyal gamers, I'm so down i could cry.


If not, me and reactor and bartolo and others are hard at work building a working JK2 community over on enterthegame.


All of you are welcome of course, think menty mentioned the JKMAG channel #jediknight, but you'll also find #JCS #sykotic [dont expect too much out of the aussies in syk =P] #quest, #hdk, #ironknights and my channel, #WC.


Chat for a bit if you'd like, or snag a game. Prolly even get a game of JK there these days =P


/end selfless promotion [does it ever really end?]



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