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Our Holiday Gift To You...

Guest Aristotle

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Welcome to the forums, Leonard Zimmerman, LilDrumLad and PaladinGuy. *hands out Jedi Medallions*. There you go. ;)


Originally posted by Leonard Zimmerman:

The arrogance of the populace of this board is amazing to me...etc...


I think the word arrogance is unwarranted. I'm sure a lot of people here have no wish to be disrespectful to the rest of the DF/JK/MotS community, they're just airing things they believed would be cool. Of course, as PaladinGuy said, some of these things would be totally unfeasible - and unrealistic.


Also, I think a few here have misinterpreted what Aristotle originally said...


Originally posted by Aristotle:

Think about what you as a community would like to see provided (within reason) <STRONG>from this site</STRONG>, for Jedi Knight II.


In other words, people...there is probably no chance of the game being revised in any way to incorporate some of your ideas. They might put some Easter Eggs in the game - but I am sure they will be aimed at the whole community, not just the members of this forum. ;)


And as stated before, a demo is inevitable, as are screenshots and another video. Nevertheless, here is a slightly revised list of options...


1. Screenshots (exclusive to jkii.net)

2. Prequel Story (published through jkii.net)

3. Contest/Draw for a signed copy of JK2.

4. Tee Shirts with jkii.net logo

5. Questions to Lucasarts (for exclusive publication on jkii.net)

6. A jkii.net skin (provided by/on this site for use in the game)


Or perhaps you'd like to see a feature on the site that is not currently available?


I think any more ideas should try to remain focused on Aristotle's original statement...something to be provided from this site, for this community. ;)

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But you are not quoting the rest of his post StormHammer

For example, would you like us to run a contest with LEC, (trivia on the history of Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, etc) where LucasArts would provide one or two winners with signed copies of the game?


Or would you like to put together 10-15 very well thought out questions to present to LucasArts and Raven where you, the readers would put forth your own interview, which we would publish.


Would you like to see a few exclusive new screenshots? Perhaps from a particular angle, or displaying a particular move or force, weapon, etc?


Obviously these are just a few suggestions.... and no, don't ask for ALL of them.. you know what Santa does with greedy children.


Once a majority of you come up with what you would like to ask for your holiday gift, and once it's presented to us, we'll work with LEC to try to make it happen. Odds are very good that if it's reasonable and possible, you can look forward to it.

there is probably no chance of the game being revised in any way to incorporate some of your ideas

There is some contradiction here, I dont know what is going on in the private forum , but I know there is LEC and Raven people there, and this forums are the "Premier Forums", It says so in the official site



How is any of the rest of the community of JK players any less worthy of mention than the "regs" of this forum?

No one has said that we are better than other JK/DF communities, but the owners/administrators of this site got in contact with LEC (which was not long ago and incredibly closed company, zero communication with the fans) and now there is LEC people in this forums, and maybe LEC proposed something to Aristotle, and thats why he started this topic

IMO this is the most important JK community, this is the most active JO forum on the net, many of the regs here have been around since 1997, in the jediknight.net forums, and we have been commenting and suggesting things first for obiwan, and now for outcast, since before they were announced

And LEC has read our posts, Im sure we have been in some way helpful to them. There are no useless posts here, we all post our opinion and ideas, and respect others.

I think you are just angry because youv always been a DF fan and you wouldnt be recognized if LEC make something like that. Maybe LEC give us some of this gifts, other DF communities could also talk to LEC if they think Its unfair ot if they also want something, have you done anything like that or you are just ranting?

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Hmmm...I don't believe there is a contradiction in what I said, digl. By my interpretation, I believe the rest of Aristotle's post falls within the context of that sentence I outlined. Just IMHO.


After all, they still have to work with LEC to bring us screenshots, exclusive interviews and what-have-you...but that's just my interpretation. ;)


Also, keep in mind it's a Holiday, i.e., Christmas Gift...so I assume they'll want Santa to deliver on time. ;)


I do understand what you are saying. So I guess it's up to Aristotle to clarify the point. Aristotle? :confused:

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Aristole can u give us clearer guidelines?


Do u work for LEC?

Are Easter Eggs allowed in game as long as they're not too ridiculous.

Are the ads slowing down the performance of jk2.net?

When are the next batch of screenies due?

If ya cna snwer a few answer (don't utrn me into forum-goer-chunkies


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Originally posted by sanpilou:

hey StormHammer ......u never gave me a jedi medallon...


A regrettable oversight. It must have happened when I was getting out of range of your BFG... ;)


I hereby bestow on you a chocolate Jedi Medallion...


*places around sanpilou's neck on a golden chain*


...welcome to the forums, and may you enjoy your stay. :D


LilDrumLad...I thought your name was familiar... :D

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As Aristotle said odds were very good I presumed they had already talked something with LEC, well have to wait for Aristotle I guess


Aristole can u give us clearer guidelines?


Do u work for LEC?

Are Easter Eggs allowed in game as long as they're not too ridiculous.

Are the ads slowing down the performance of jk2.net?

When are the next batch of screenies due?

If ya cna snwer a few answer (don't utrn me into forum-goer-chunkies

Ill try to answer what I can :)

He doesnt work for LEC

I guess they are.Then why would they appear in all games :D

The site is running pretty fast this days for me

next screenies hmmmm. I say about three or four new ones during next week, and next week a preview somehere ?¿


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: digl ]

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Guest Aristotle

Let me see if I can address some of these issues.


1) I do not work for LEC directly. We're in very close contact with the folks from LEC on a continual basis, and with many of the developers working on the various games in development for LEC.


2) Yes, if you put together a well thought out easter egg, I believe the odds would be good you would see it in the game. The debate about what to request has been a good one.. and from the looks of it, not over which is good, since it should be a well thought out request.


3) New screens coming shortly.


4) "In-Game" video .. super high quality in the near future.


5) Ads are not slowing the site in the slightest.. in fact, this and galacticbattles.com, and jk.net are the only sites not currently on the brand new server we just bought. Those sites will transfer over later tonight. The new server will be at least 3x faster than this one, and you should notice the difference. Want to test the speed? Click on http://www.xwingalliance.net and you'll be able to test the new network server.


6) These forums are headed for an upgrade to the VB style forums, which will allow for many, many additional options, which I'm sure you'll all enjoy. We'll keep the colors and you'll all keep your post count and the posts will be exported as well.


Hope that helps iron some things out. "A brand new game for us" ... is one request I would say is a bit out of reach... but the ideas that are being posted are certainly interesting and we enjoy, as does LEC, and of course RAVEN, watching the ideas and debates flourish.


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Aristotle ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Alright, since demos and screens are inevitable, and everyone here will never agree on an easter egg, what if they put in the credits: "And special thanks to all the members of JediKnightII.net for all your support and interest in the game."


That is short, reasonable, encompasses the entire comunity, not just the regulars, and gets the comunity in the game.


Agree? Disagree?


Oh, and sanpilou, so sorry I'm late. Just so many newcomers. I'm gonna have to raid Rhett's troll-run basket making facility again soon. :D *hands sanpilou a welcome gift basket* I stole a few of those Medallions from StormHammer too, and put a couple in there for you. Enjoy and welcome to the forums. :D


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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I was pretty close with the answers :)


3) New screens coming shortly.


4) "In-Game" video .. super high quality in the near future.



Maybe screens today ? Its update day for LEC


6) These forums are headed for an upgrade to the VB style forums, which will allow for many, many additional options, which I'm sure you'll all enjoy. We'll keep the colors and you'll all keep your post count and the posts will be exported as well.


Cool. Did you read the topic I started about this some days ago Aristotle?


but the ideas that are being posted are certainly interesting and we enjoy, as does LEC, and of course RAVEN, watching the ideas and debates flourish.

Grat to hear this, but we are still waiting for this LEC/Ravensoft people

BlueSaber: Will LucasArts and Raven start getting more active in the community forums like Jediknightii.net allowing for more fan interaction? (As they do for Galaxies)


Jedi Outcast: Yes, we have started up the web site and FAQ. We also will be more active on the message boards over the next few months.

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I would have to agree with jediknight_114. Us in the credits would be noticed more than the unique skin or an easteregg (ex. ?Glactic Plumberman?). However, Kyle playing as a stormtropper in the game and the real troopers not suspecting anything would be kindof cool.


P.S. I didnt get a medalion, basket, or anything :(:(:(

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Zekk Dawkins and Cartman's Dad...let me extend a warm welcome to the forums. I hope you both enjoy your stay. Here you go...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion each*


They're tasty.


I'm sorry to say I don't do baskets...that's Boba Rhett's department - or Jediknight_114, who seems to have acquired some...If he offers you Jedi Medallions, they're fake.


Just an FYI...Galactic Plumberman originated on the ObiWanKenobi.Net forums a while ago, and a lot of the regulars here came from there (including me). Vagabond, Wilhuf and I are all proud members of the Galactic Plumberman Alliance (for it was from our minds he was spawned). ;)


As for new screens, yes, I think we can pretty much rely on that in the coming months. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont use to bump threads, but this one was kinda forgotten about the time the forums moved


Aristotle, or anyone who knows, what will happen with this?

I mean the holiday gift to us? Will we have to choose something of the things proposed?did you already choose something and its in the works?

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Bartolo_JCS - just wanted to say that's the funniest avatar on these boards... cracked me up when I saw it. Now, where's Wilhuf, coz that pic of his (regulars and ex-OWK.netters will know the one I'm talking about) would make for a great avatar. (With the appropriate caption that we've all come to know and love, of course!).

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