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revolutionary puzzles


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I think that Raven have got to work hard at the levels in Jk2 as they cannot design it conventionally. In most games its just getting past locked doors and finding things, in Jk2 things would not be realistic as with Jedi powers those tasks would be simple. Mission objectives need to be to do with people not abjects on the whole.

Also it must not be the boring escorting aperson across the level, as the character always have suicidal AI. They got to think of some interesting scenarios and missions.

what do you think

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I think Raven/LEC are well aware of our expectations for JK2. So I have faith in their ability to make the game interesting and challenging in equal measure.


They only have to read the forums, here and at jediknight.net, for some cool ideas, and the pitfalls they should avoid from the hardcore fans perspective.


As for the AI...I don't think we need to worry there. ;)

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Originally posted by DeathBoLT:

...as long as they were actually useful, as opposed to just setting off alarms and getting themselves killed in the first minute of fighting


Yes, they should be smart, 'think' of self-preservation...and be able to use cover, undertake flanking maneouvres, lay down suppressing fire so that you can forge ahead, etc.

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Originally posted by DeathBoLT:

<STRONG>i think it'd be nice to have a few new republic agents with you, providing cover in gun fights, etc.


as long as they were actually useful, as opposed to just setting off alarms and getting themselves killed in the first minute of fighting</STRONG>


yeah, how about the friendly Ai in Elite Force? They didn't do i thing, I was doing the killing, I was watching their backs. All they did was talk and talk and talk? how many are there? how many are there? i got so sick of hearing that...aaargggggggggg!

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I never lost a single person in Elite Force....that was some of the best AI we had ever seen....they would instantly take cover behind walls and crates etc....just look back to the first levels in the cargo bays where they would actually run up and take cover behind objects, and fall back when the cross fire got too much....and that was on the hardest difficulty setting :)

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