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Mara Jade in "JKII:JO"?


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Does anyone happen to know if Mara will appear in the game?


If so, will she be a playable character? Will she be modeled after Shannon Baksa? Who will do her voice overs?


Thanks for any help! Feel free to email me with more news at jades_fire168@yahoo.com



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Nothing official, but since Mara was the one that brought Kyle back to the light side and was a major part of the story so far, I would say yes.


I doubt she would be playable though. I'm personally hoping you play the first level as Luke to deliver a message and Kyle's saber.

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I'm personally hoping you play the first level as Luke to deliver a message and Kyle's saber.


Well I think one of two other things will happen to do with Kyle getting his lightsaber back.

1-It will happen in the opening cut-scene and Luke finds Kyle and gives it to him.


2-In the first level [or maybe a prologue level] Kyle will go to Yavin 4 and find Luke so he can get his lightsaber.


I think that maybe there will be a training episode and you'll have to fight a number of Jedi's, including Luke, Mara, Corran Horn and maybe the YJK versons of the Solo kids and the other Young Jedi Knights.

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It might be neat to have Mara turn up somewhere later in the game as a saber-weilding buddy.


Other than that, if they were thinking of letting you play part of the game as another character, I'd prefer it to be Jan Ors.


If you can only play as Kyle, then I'd like to see a bit of a return to the original DF, and have more communication between Jan and Kyle during a mission.

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