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Episode 2 Connection ?


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Well, I was just browsing over at theforce.net and saw that there was some discussion about new force powers (possibly) appearing in the next episode. Those comments got me thinking about the possible JK2 - EP2 connection that has been rumored for some time, perhaps the new force powers in EP2 will be featured in JK2? They sound very interesting to say the least. The discussion about the powers is in the "latest news" section of the ep2 news on theforce.net.


Hopefully this hasn't been brought up recently, I didn't see anything about this on the first couple of pages :)

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er, lucas is gonna die of heart disease waaaaay before he gets even halfway tempted to make another trilogy. + as far as EU stuff goes, JK's story line is one of the less interesting ones around.


On top of that, the few times he's pondered making another one in public he's generally discussed continuing the story of *anakins children* That'd have jack squat to do with Kyle Katarn. *cough* peterparkerripoff *cough*.


Pweeese, don't preface ridiculous postulations like that with "its possible..." just about gave me a hernia, rolfmao.




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Guest Vagabond

Calm down, Lucky. No need to tell someone their idea is ridiculous. After all, just about anything is possible.


Regarding a link to JK2, heck, maybe we'll see Kyle's father, Morgan Katarn, as a young man in Episode II. Maybe a Dark Jedi that was hurt by Kyle's father turns out to be the villain in JKII - a Dark Jedi intent on revenge against the offspring of Morgan Katarn. Who knows? As long as we're all just brainstorming, pulling ideas out of thin air, no idea is ridiculous.


Play nice :cool:

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Well, I actually meant that the link between JK2 and EP2 (as TFN rumored a while ago (<a href="http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/tfn.cgi?action=getstory&storyID=10572" target="_blank">here</a>)) was that new EP2 force powers (that we hadn't seen in the previous films), would appear in the game. Meaning that the "Connection to the new film in the game" would be the prescence of the new EP2 force powers in the game. That's what I meant hehe :)


[ June 18, 2001: Message edited by: QSPR9 ]

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