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Weapons Debate: Heavy Weapons


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The internet is a laggy place, and splash damage weapons are a needed. In JK and MotS, I generally don't bother to engage unless I have a C-Rifle or a railgun, given the situation.


If JK2 is built like CS, with some sort of compensation for lag, there may not be the need for guns with such a big splash damage. On the other hand, if it is just like JK, I'd definitely expect to see them.

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Me! I needs guns! Being a Jedi is fine and all, but I'm a big fan of pulling out a blaster and letting the other guy have it.


I also understand the need for game balance, but it needs some kind of big guns. In the original Dark Forces, the concussion rifle was more like an instant hit BFG without the fireball, so they toned it down a lot for JK. And you just gotta have some kind of heavy explosive missile weaponry, otherwise what'll you accidentally frag yourself with?



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Guest Kurgan

Incidentally, fists DID have a legitimate use in JK, other than to fool around:


To beat somebody to death who was using protection (does direct damage, unlike a saber, which takes several hits to wear down protection before it hurts them).


Other than that, Fists were only a last resort if you ran out of ammo but lacked a saber (first four levels of JK, or in MotS as a non-Jedi) or to fool around (boxing match!).


The Bowcastor could be used effectively, it's true, very few people used it. I only switched to it when I had a power boost (it was deadly then).


The ST Rifle I used a LOT actually. You could crouch with it to nail saber users who forgot that they couldn't block low, and it had a sort of "stunning" effect on people so you could chase them down and get kills that way (something you can't do with the repeater as well).


The ST rifle was also super fun to use with the powerboost (super fast bullets, and twice the ammo!).


You could say "get rid of the Bryar pistol" but it's Kyle's signature weapon! Maybe, since it is a modified pistol, he could just modify it some more (and make it better) for the next game. It would make sense.. ; )


The Bryar is the "starting weapon" that every FPS has had for single player. The point is that you start with weak weapons and build up to strong weapons. In MP it's far less important, because you'll switch to a stronger weapon instead of using a weak one.


Of course the thing is, in order to make the game balanced, you have to make the weapons such that some are better in certain situations, etc, and no one weapon is all powerful. That way you have to use them all in order to be good. Or make them all equally good, but different, so you they have a different appeal, for different people. Most games I've seen use the former approach and it works.


Btw, Pax, long time no see.




[ June 23, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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maybe bowcastor could become a sort of instagib rifle.. plus the bowcastor has a scope on it in jk. never understood why u weren't alllowed to use it..


if you're going to have force speed tho, you'll probably need splash damage weapons..

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first off.... Death you can kinda leave NBK out of that EXPERT group unless you are refering to being able to talk trash... anyway as for wilhuf or whatever the name is's idea of deflecting a conc shot... the idea of deflecting compressed air back at someone seems kinda difficlut.. a rail maybe but a conc seems a little shakey...

force seeing... map overlay and being able to maneuver with the scope up like in MotS is a must hehe force jump couldnt hurt either. as for having a weapon of mass destruction... i think i said it in the last post about weapons.... no redeemer type weapons... that would destroy gameplay because one newbie would get it or one actualy good player would get it camp it and the game would be dead.. other than trying to get that homo away from it. Caltrops(floor spike type objects that one throws) like in shadow warrior would be kinda funny... non explosive yet do damage.. as for the mine thing...keeping mines in a 5 foot radius on a horizontal plane maybe but being able to lay a bunch on top of each other then back directly up so they dont go off in your face is always fun... especialy when watching newbies smack into an opposing wall and selfkill... or hit the ceiling.. hehe..

the crossbow is pretty useless i only use it when i get bored.. same goes with bryar(only good when bored or when you have it hacked *cough*)

and as ive said in another post NF Saber games in JK2 will kinda be lame... and whoever said "who needs guns" get your little saber and go against anyone whos good with a gun. and what you NF sabers players are forgetting is.. in JK2 there wont be person lag it will be weapons lag... so those of you that think lagging will be an advantage in this game you are sadly mistaken

*pushs button and waits 4 seconds for saber to move*"why wont my weapon move.. YOU HACKED IT" -me prodicting the future of JK2 HAHA

welcome to the world where broadband users have the advantage...laggers

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the byrar is like the machine gun in Q3 - no one uses it unless they don't have anything better..


as for the bow castor, amp up the damge. if it dealt out the damage the rail det. does with 1 hit(which is an immediate death unless they have more than 100 shields) i guarentee people would start using it..

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one of my favorite mods for MotS was the dual BlasTech pistol, when you had two, you kicked ass with it! they should really impliment some dual weapon system for JKII. something like Perfect Darks multiplayer, when as soon as you pick up a different one of that weapon, you get two. only maybe you should be able to mix and match guns too. cool thought though

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Another great weapon design would be the following:


Plasma Gun:

Specs: Fires highly ion-carbon charged blue energy bolts. Looks like a futuristic shotgun. Has a max ammo limit of 500 energy cells ( for those out there who love to reload: 30 bolts/a clip )



Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, 1 Millenium Falcon stolen strait under Han Solo's nose.



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Guest Kurgan

Oh, and personally I don't buy the "it's never been seen in Star Wars before" excuse.


If we confined ourselves to "Star Wars" weapons, that would get pretty dull. Think of it.. every new game would have the same 10-15 weapons.


Dark Forces had most of its weapons being totally made up. Go ahead and invent some manufacturers for them, make up names, make up stories if you have to, but give us COOL WEAPONS that are somewhat balanced.




Incidentally, most of the concepts for FPS weapons are repeated across games anyway, they are just graphically changed and the speed/strength messed with (ie: shotguns, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, machineguns, grenades/grenade launchers, flamethrowers, pistols/dual pistols, etc).


Most of the JK weapons are like that too, they just happen to have two modes of fire. Though there are a few that were original (aka: the secondary Rail detonator shots, etc).


If they have to make up a blue storm trooper class that carries flamethrowers, I'm all for it.


Or how about a power welder?


The DT Assault Cannon from DF1 might come in handy too (it's just a rocket launcher + a plasma gun).



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Whatever big guns they decide to use, i hope they make it so u can reflect the shots back with the saber like in spork, where u can reflect conc blasts. But if they put the rail gun in, thats understandable, considering the rails explode on impact or stick to the surface.

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Here's another Idea :


Ion-Disruptor Pulse (IDP) Rifle:


Specs: Fires ion-disrupted pulse particles at superhigh velocities. Rounds penetrate with zero expansion rate and explode on impact.


Comments: Due to the nature of the weapon, it eats energy cells for breakfast, brunch and supper. Final resolution weapon. High firing rate great for use against Dark Jedi and Sith Lords with a grudge. Rounds can not be Force blocked. Medium to long range weapon only. NOT for use at point blank.



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Guest Kurgan

Vagabond's column does have a point, and I do own a copy of the Essential Guide to Weapons, etc.


The guide contains armaments that have appeared in the EU and movie source material at some point.


Of course the ones in the Guide could be summurized as follows:


blasters (projectile weapons)


disruptors (instant hit weapons)


sonic guns (pulse weapons)


pellet guns (bullets, could be projectile or instant-hit)


flame-throwers (area effect fire, beam projected, YES!)


grenades (with various effects upon explosion)


flachettes (think "razor jack" aka Ripper disc thrower from Unreal/UT)


melee weapons (lightsabers, and "vibro" knives, spears, axes,.etc)


rocket launchers (big exploding projectiles)


That covers most of the bases for the basic FPS weapons. Most would add to that variations in the amount of shot in the gun, rate of fire, ammo capacity, and blast radius of explosions. Thus you can have shotguns, machineguns, pistols, sniper rifles, etc, using just the basic instant hit or projectile model of the gun.


However, as I said before, I think it's more important to have fun, cool, balanced weapons, than to have ones that are all "authentic star wars." A couple of SW weapons and a bunch of made-up ones would be fine with me.



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I know this is a completely different game but i loved the compression rifle in Elite Force. It was my favorite weapon by far. :cool: Would usually take down pple easy with that 2cnd fire.. Something like it would be my 2cnd favorite weapon in the whole game i think (next to saber). Im sorry if this has already been said or its floating off topic or anything like that.


Good Day

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