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System Requirements


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Well, I was thinking of upgrading my P3 500 to 1000, and getting another 128 MB RAM (totalling 256), and then getting like a 64MB GeForce2. What do y'all think is the best graphic board out there currently for less than 200 bucks?




Thanks for replying.





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That helped a lot. Thanks so much.




Does that mean the GeForce3's new capabilities will be used? If so, I'll wait before upgrading my Graphics card, as I'm only upgrading for JK2...LOL And especially as I only have 500 bucks to upgrade my processor and/or motherboard and RAM. The price of GeForce3 is 400 Buckaroos...LOL Will have to wait and save.




But, again, thanks for your prediction. :-)









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You cannot base the JK2's system regs on another game Raven is producing. Team Arena is one of the most graphically advanced games to date and to get running well you needed a PIII 700 with 128 MB RAM. On the other hand JK2 will be using the Q3 Arena engine which would run on a PII 266 with 64 MB RAM.

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We'll its dificult to say what the minimum requirements will be, but we can assume or make a good guess based on the Q3 Engine. Also, if you have plans to upgrade, primarily for JK2, wait! You are going to pay 30%-50% more now, then if you wait until like January or February of next year. Although, you could upgrade to a 1 gig P11 with 128mb of additional ram, with a 370 socketed mohter board, for $300( assuming you knonw how to install it). As far a video card goes , this best card for under $200( right now anyway)Asus-7700 Delux 32mb Geforce2 AGP W/DDR,or GeForce2 GTS 64mb with DDR( my card).


Also, with video cards. Don't always assume that the bigger the card, the better. There are several cards on the market that are 32mb in size, but can easily out-perform a differnt chip that is 64mb in size. As of now, my reccomendation is you are safe with any card powered by nVidia technology, GeForce series and invest in DDR technology.


As for good deals on hardware) aside from the occasional steal on ebay, which is good place to check) I use this site allot: http://www.mwave.com


I hope this helps you out Yoda, and I will see you on the zone( aka-headchange)

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